
Frank Wilczek
我们知道,原子核是由质子和中子构成。中子本身并不稳定,它会迅速地衰变,其半衰期不到15分钟。但在原子核内部,中子却是可以稳定存在的 :与质子和其他中子的相互作用降低了中子的质量并抑制了它们的衰变。
此后,一套涉及范围更广的引力波探测器网络上线了,天文学家可以使用不同的“望远镜”来协同观测与引力波相关的现象 :从射电望远镜到伽马射线卫星,甚至中微子探测器。这些功能不同的设备可以聚焦于一个重点,共同去揭示引力波事件所包含的信息。由此,伴随着“多信使天文学”的兴起,中子星炼金术的奇观将成为一场多媒体盛会。
Powerful new astronomical tools are revealing how thegalaxy’s heaviest elements were formed.
Recent work observing gravitational waves seems to fill a big gap in our understanding of the origin of the elements in a surprising and beautiful way. This is the first taste of a promising new kind of astronomy.
The new discoveries address a long-standing mystery: How were the heaviest elements, with the biggest share of neutrons—such as gold, silver and uranium—formed? Atomic nuclei are made from protons and neutrons. Neutrons on their own are unstable and decay quickly, with a half-life of less than 15 minutes. But inside nuclei, neutrons can be stabilized; interactions with protons and other neutrons lower their mass and limit their decay.
Coming out of the Big Bang, all matter consisted of hydrogen (with one proton in its nucleus) and helium (with two protons and either one or two neutrons), plus some trace impurities. There was no material in which neutrons outnumbered protons. Stars take nuclear cooking further: Basically, they combine those three ingredients into larger units, producing other elements.
But normal stars have a tough time producing elements whose nuclei contain far more neutrons than protons. Silver, for example, has 47 protons and 60 or 62 neutrons, gold has 79 protons and 118 neutrons, and uranium in its most stable form has 92 protons and 146 neutrons. How and where can such an overabundance of neutrons arise?
Neutron stars, the burnt-out remnants of supernova explosions, are a likely suspect. When stars whose mass is a few times that of our sun run out of nuclear fuel and “die,” their cores collapse. The end result is an approximately Earth-sized body whose mass exceeds that of the Sun. It is, in effect, a single gigantic nucleus, held together by gravity. In this environment, neutrons are significantly lighter than protons, so it is protons that are unstable. The protons decay into neutrons or are ejected, until there is an overwhelming preponderance of neutrons in the remnant, aptly called a neutron star.
The next challenge is to smuggle some neutrons out. Here’s how it mighth appen. Sometimes both members of a binary star system evolve into neutron stars. The neutron stars then revolve around one another. The orbit decays, however, releasing gravitational radiation. As the neutron stars come close together, gigantic tidal forces rip them apart, and the shattered remnants collide. In these violent encounters fragments of hot, dense material that is still neutron-rich are thrown off and then settle into stable, neutron-rich nuclei. Theoretically, this tempestuous process could generate most of our silver and gold and all of our uranium.
Until recently, that scenario was extremely hypothetical. But in 2017, LIGO (the Laser Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Observatory, based in Louisiana and Washington State) caught two neutron stars in the act, by observing the tell-tale burst of intense gravitational radiation at their merger.
As a more extensive network of gravitational wave detectors comes online, astronomers using many kinds of “telescopes”—from radio dishes togamma-ray satellites, and even neutrino detectors—will be able to focus on the events they reveal. With this “multi-messenger astronomy,” the spectacle of neutron star alchemy will become a multimedia extravaganza.
Since mergers of two neutron stars are unusual events in our galaxy, different areas might contain more or less of their debris than our solar system. This will be interesting to investigate.
In the meantime, it’s entertaining to consider how human history would have been different if Earth contained a lot more—or a lot less—silver, gold and uranium.
作者 | Frank Wilczek
翻译 | 胡风、梁丁当