
原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:黎明晖烬
As World Turns More Slowly, We Face Earthquake Boom, Scientists Warn
More powerful earthquakes could rock the globe in 2018 because of infinitesimal changes in the speed of the Earth’s rotation, scientists warn.
It seems contradictory, but a minuscule slowing of the Earth’s rotation over years, which can extend the length of a day by a millisecond or more, appears to be lixed to an increase in major quakes.
Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado and Rebecca Bendick of the University of Montana say that historical data since 1900 clearly reveal a “strong” lix between major global earthquake activity and a slight slowing of the Earth’s rotation for five or six years. That has occurred approximately every 32 years. If that pattern continues, the number of powerful quakes in the coming year could triple, according to the researchers.
科罗拉多大学的Roger Bilham和蒙大拿州大学的Rebecca Bendick称,1900年以来的历史数据明确显示,全球重大地震活动与地球自转速度在5、6年时间内的轻微减缓之间存在着“强有力”的联系。这种情况大约每32年发生一次。根据两位研究者的说法,如果这种模式持续下去,那么明年大地震次数可能增加至三倍。
“On five occasions in the past century, a 25 [to] 30 percent increase in annual numbers of earthquakes [of a magnitude 7.0 or greater] has coincided with a slowing in the mean rotation velocity of the earth,” the scientists noted in a research abstract. They presented their findings recently at a meeting of the Geological Society of America.
“Next year we should see a significant increase in numbers of severe earthquakes,” Bilham warned in an interview with The Observer. “We have had it easy this year. So far we have only had about six severe earthquakes. We could easily have 20 a year starting in 2018.”
“明年我们应当会看到大地震次数的显著增加,” Bilham 在接受《观察家》采访时警告称。“今年我们过得很轻松。目前为止我们只经历了六次大地震。而进入2018年,大地震可能会轻松达到20次。
The researchers don’t understand precisely the dynamics that may explain what’s happening when the Earth slows. As the Earth’s rotation slows, the diameter of the equator shrinks, essentially “rumpling” the tectonic plates nearby and increasing the likelihood of a major earthquake where the plates connect, Bilham explained on the BBC radio program “Science in Action.”
研究人员还没搞清楚地球自转变慢的动力学解释。Bilham 在BBC广播节目《科学的作用》(Science in Action)上解释道:随着地球自转的减慢,赤道直径会缩小,实质上使得赤道附近的构造板块“起皱”,因此增加了板块连接处大地震的可能性,。
Historically, most earthquake upticks lixed to a slower planet rotation occurred near the equator in the West and East Indies, according to the scientists. Since 1900, more than 80 percent of all major quakes on the eastern Caribbean plate boundary, including the 2010 Haiti quake, have occurred five years following a “maximum deceleration” of the Earth’s rotation, according to Bilham and Bendick.
根据科学家的说法,在历史上,大多数与地球自转变慢有关的地震频发都发生在赤道附近的东、西印度群岛。Bilham 和Bendick 称,自1900年以来,发生在东加勒比板块边界的所有大地震中——包括2010年海地地震——有超过80%的地震发生在地球自转达到“减速极值”后的5年内。
This is what I find so interesting about the whole global warming issue, Earth is zipping around our sun while spinning on our axis all the while ourgalaxyis traveling at over 700,000 MPH thru the universe. Just a minuscule difference in any of those factors would alter our climate.
Can I get overtime pay for that extra millisecond?
Quick, buy a prius, divest of oil stocks, agree to be taxed to redistribute wealth so our governments can speed up the world's rotation. If that seems like an absurd idea, you now understand why doing the same things to change climate is absurd.
Scientists should study all the times their predictions were incorrect and release that report to the public...
Superman could fix the earth's rotation in short order.
Days get longer and the moon is drifting away as well ... That being said the moon is moving away at 1.6 inches per year ...The slowing of the Earth’s rotation over the last 100 years is estimated to be about 1.4 milliseconds. which means it will be 180 million years to add just one hour to a day, extending it from 24 hours to 25 hours...
I suspected I'd been waking up milliseconds too early lately. Who do I sue for this loss of sleep?!
My guess is that Merkel, Schumer, the pope & the rest of the Marxist globalists will soon suggest distributing the earth's population evenly over the planet to balance its weight so it spins more smoothly & thus faster.
Has anyone correlated any possible climate effects of the rotational deceleration? Could the longer days (minute as the changes are) have any effect on global warming?
Scientists are looking for a way to blame Donald Trump and wealthy white males in general.
So, this meant that china artificial island will be demolished by an earthquake in half not later but sooner.
I really believe that this is being caused by wind mills slowing down the earth's rotation due to all of the extra drag they create.
The alarmist movement is desperately trying to find a way to blame earthquakes (and other natural disasters) on man. The population is easier to control (and tax) when the bad guy (man) is clearly identified. The good vs evil scenario resonates well with Joe public.
In addition to the explanation of the earth's equator shrinking (contracting), another concept is at work. The concept of the the earth's rotation slowing down can be compared to an ice skater twirling. When the ice skater spins, and extends her arms outward, her spin (rotation) slows, when she brings her arms close to her body, her spin speeds up. Thus when massive magma rises to the surface, it ever so slightly causes the earth's rotation to slow down. Further more, rising magma to the surface causes a rise in earthquakes. This is basic physics (conservation of angular momentum).