
原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:周天寰宇2
Are smartphones making us smarter or more stupid?
The worm is finally turning as people start to look at the consequences of being glued to their smartphones, writes Stephen Vines
Stephen Vines写道,随着人们开始关心沉迷智能手机的后果,蠕虫终于开始转向了。
Underwhelmed seems to be the most appropriate adjective for describing the response to the usually much-hyped Mobile World Congress which ended last week.
As a dedicated sceptic of all things joining the words smart and phone I cannot pretend to be experiencing much else besides schadenfreude. The pleasure intensified on learning that one of the stars of this lacklustre show was the Nokia 8110 Matrix phone, which is really little more than a revival of the old banana phones much derided by those who are infinitely more technology-savvy than myself.
Those on higher pay grades tell me that a budget phone offering a relatively small range of functions and little in the way of whizz bang is nothing to get excited about but I beg to differ and, yet again, wonder whether my lonely resistance to smartphones and all their works is in the process of being vindicated.
The Nokia 8110 remains a bit sophisticated for my humble telecommunications needs but I fully understand why many people at this event got the point of a cheap but useful device. It apparently now embraces something called 4G, which almost by definition is supposed to be better than 3G and other than that it seems to work pretty well handling phone calls (unlike the latest Apple iPhone), using apps (whatever they are) and getting online (I know what this is, in case you wondered).
But all this begs some bigger questions for the telecoms industry which, like all industries with a cutting edge self-image, seems to believe that greater sophistication and complexity is a good thing and indeed the next big thing.
Luddite nonsense. Plenty of people have become more productive thanks to smartphones because they use whatever tools are available to bolster their competitive edge. If your productivity (or visibility) suffers because you use a smartphone, it's because you have a problem. Now if you tell me easy Internet access allows stupidity to find more stupidity, fair enough and different discussion.
A city of walking zombies - there is nothing that saddens me more than going out to dinner and seeing young couples, families and group of friends eating whilst looking at their phones and not even speaking with each other. I assume they are WhatsApp messaging each other! The art of conversation person to person is vanishing in HK and the world in general. When you have to dodge all the Zombies on their smartphones walking into your path. Its an addiction! What can be nicer than being in the moment, in good company, talking and eating together just for a hour or so. What is so important that you cannot put the phone away and not leave it on the table. Boredom, lack of social skills, fear of missing out or a combination of all three? PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY AND LIVE IN THE MOMENT FOR A WHILE. Try it you may like it.
[email protected]******
I guess office staff these days wastes at least an hour day by being distracted by social media on their smartphone . Thats a lot of productivity lost for the whole economy.
Probably more as there are so many platforms on mobile phones. FB alone probably eats up an hour each work day
Yup, I use to carry my desktop and CRT monitor with me everywhere, in the Bus, the train, restaurants, everywhere. It was so distracting and heavy.
That Nokia 8110 Banana looks really nice. Just enough smart and it is a phone. Alas, it probably will never get to Canada!
Smartphones are clearly making people dumber. I recently saw a pretty girl walk right into a a telephone pole while looking at her phone. She bounced right off it and continued, head down. She did not even look up.
Hilariously serious
I have this strange feeling that the people with came up with "smartphone" really meant for the "smart" word to refer to themselves ... for making billions selling the device to consumers who get addicted to it.
a phone is only a tool for the user, its considered "smart" because it can do more stuff than a regular phone can do. as such, a phone is only as smart as the one who uses it.