
The rainforest area of the Sky Forest Natural Museum. By Gu Tingting
That more than 700 species of plants grow in the rainforest is common knowledge, but that they also grow on the top of a city skyscraper is a different story.
On the 7th floor of Kunming Love Sea Shopping Mall in a large open-air terrace at the end of a vegetable field surrounded by high-rise buildings is a conspicuous “Sky Forest Natural Museum” sign. Pushing aside its thick insulating curtain, a large rainforest lies in front of you, shrouded in mist. Emerald moss drops of water glisten. Pink begonias bloom. Ardisia japonic Blume waves its fresh red fruit. Watery pineapple pools with a myriad of larvae act as a rainforest nursery. The leaves of Pyrrosia lingua are covered with spores ready to go airborne to their proper places, and the leaves of saxifraga grow long roots. A gust of wind blows, and the saxifraga's roots lean against a mossy wall so that its seeds can find a new place to grow. In this “sky forest” above the city, vegetation grows without end.
“1, 2, 3... 28, 29,” curator He Jian points to a small area and proudly counts the plant species. “Add the more than 20 types of moss and there are about 50 plants in this square meter, so it’s basically as diverse as the Amazon rainforest.”
He Jian describes the sizes of insects to visitors. File photo
As a male computer science student, he likes studying plants and has now become “half a botanist.” He Jian has been a fan of plants for only one year but has more than 20 years of “seniority.”
When He Jian was a child, Changchong Mountain near his home was like an amusement park for him. Its Pyracantha fortuneana, Ampelopsis grossedentata, Rubus pectinellus Maxim, Leucophysa Bunge and countless insects and grasses created his earliest and deepest connections with the natural world.
When he grew older, he became more fascinated by the natural world. Whenever he traveled, he would choose destinations with all kinds of primeval forests, whereas others would go to destinations that had popular attractions. He, however, liked to travel with like-minded friends into the mountains and forests to see how plants grow and what insects eat, as well as to find out how these entire ecosystems maintained their balance. In addition, he would go abroad to visit natural museums, such as the Tokyo Motian Aquarium, Kew Gardens and the Royal Botanical Gardens in Melbourne, which all left deep impressions on him.
Green saxifraga. By Gu Tingting
“Why can’t I build my own nature museum and open it to the public?” A primitive force drove him. “China has always advocated the idea of environmental protection, but in fact many people have no idea what this is because they haven’t discovered the beauty of animals and plants. Also, there are many species that they haven’t even seen. So, how could they learn to love them?”
His original inspiration for preparing the “Sky Forest” was to help more people come into contact with animals and plants, thus coming to understand their beauty and spontaneously falling in love with these ecosystems.
In this foggy rain forest, he points to an epiphytic orchid whose trunks lie on the soil and whose purple flowers quietly grow from green leaves. “There are many kinds of plants growing in the tropical rainforest. Many epiphytic, climbing plants live on the trunks of trees, forming a unique ‘sky garden.’”
With its 350 square meters of rainforest area, its main design idea is to show this epiphytic phenomenon. Limited indoor space conditions make it impossible to introduce huge shrubs, so to optimize the rainforest scene, they chose to use a large number of vines as epiphytes, even reflecting Xishuangbanna’s unique plant strangulation phenomenon.
Purple creeping oxalis. By Gu Tingting
A special constant temperature humidification system ensures that the temperature remains around 20 degrees Celsius and at 85% – 90% humidity all year round. The fog surrounding the plants makes people feel like they are walking in a primeval forest at sunrise. From Agaricus, Calamus calamus, Equisetum, Pilea notata and Clematis japonicus to begonias, Turtle Back Bamboo, Bird Nest Fern, Tillandsia, bromeliad and Saxifraga japonica, He Jian introduces every quietly growing plant from bottom to top, from aquatic to epiphyte, from climbing vines to small shrubs, and from growth habits to application values. He collected most of these 700 plants over the years, though some were donated by plant and animal lovers.
“See, this is the Amorphophallus titanum from Daomu Biji.” He excitedly points to two plant sprouts and continues, “When they emit a carrion-like flavor, beetles and flies are attracted to pollinate them.” To restore the integrity of the ecosystem, they also introduced crickets, fruit flies, cockroaches and other insects to the rainforest, as well as horn frogs and salamanders, among other small, cute animals that can be found in the grass. The plants provide oxygen and food for the animals, whereas the animals help the plants spread seeds and then decompose and give back to the plants after death. This has been going on for thousands of years in the biosphere.
“This rainforest is the holy grail for every plant lover.” The rainforest is only a small part of the 1,500 square meters of the “Sky Forest,” but it is He Jian’s priceless treasure. Outside the rainforest are an aquatic plant area, an insect and specimen area, fossils, a handmade specimen area and a cultural salon with books along the walls.
Polypedatids hide in the rainforest area. By Guo Xingrong
The aquatic plant area includes Anubias barteri from the West African rainforest, Ludwigia inclinata Cuba from the Amazon, Hygrophila pinnatifida from India, moss from Java Island, Cryptocoryne dewitii from Southeast Asia and Echinodorus argentinensis. More than 150 species of aquatic plants from all over the world are displayed in the style of Chinese, Japanese and South American aquariums created by professional designers. Upon taking a closer look, one can also “bump into” translucent fish swimming in your face. In the insect and specimen area, thousands of Messor barbarous are busy sorting rubbish. Also, the Woolly Beetle, the largest beetle on Earth, spreads its tentacles and is flanked by a painting of Zeng Xiaolian, a famous plant science painter from Yunnan province. Tired from wandering, one can go to the handicraft area where there is a DIY miniature landscape. If you are lucky, you might also have the chance to listen to a lecture delivered by experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the salon area.
Visitors at the Live Insect and Specimen Area. By Guo Xingrong
This is a natural museum created by He Jian. Though he has no professional background, it only took him one year from preparation to completion of the museum. But behind all this work is his love and experience, from which he has for many years been unable to extricate himself. “I’ve been thinking about it almost every day for more than 10 years. I’ve seen many professional books and watched videos.” Having been born in the 80s, he has never watched videos on TikTok. But he has read book after book in botany, plant anatomy and plant pathology. Collecting specimens from the wild, visiting museums and participating in competitions abroad occupy most of his time.
At the end of the rainforest area is a 3.5-meter-long eco-cylinder that records one of his recent highlights.
An ecological tank simulating the environment of Dianchi Lake. By Gu Tingting
On the afternoon of January 20, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the wetland of the Xinghai Peninsula of Dianchi Lake to examine the protection and treatment of Dianchi Lake. This was the first inspection site for the General Secretary Xi at Kunming. At the site, General Secretary Xi learned about Dianchi Lake through a 0.6-meter-long ecological tank to understand treatment outcomes and the lake’s current circumstances. Not far away, He Jian was waiting anxiously yet excitedly. More than 20 days ago, he would never have imagined that one day his work would be shown to General Secretary Xi.
Before New Year’s Eve in 2020, He Jian was invited by the Kunming Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Dianchi Lake Administration to give an aquatic tank to display the ecology of Dianchi Lake. At the time, he had no idea what the mission meant. With his familiarity with Dianchi Lake and his experience in aquatic landscaping, he was pleased to complete the first edition. Things, however, were not as simple as he had imagined. Over a period of more than 20 days, the project went through seven changes, and the cylinder also changed from two meters to 0.6 meters. It was not until the final edition that he knew that this was to be presented to General Secretary Xi Jinping.
“I was very excited and encouraged!” Although the pressure would come with glory, he was full of confidence from having won prizes at domestic and international professional competitions.
The plants and animals in the aquarium. By Gu Tingting
Today, the ecological tank preserved in the “Sky Forest” reproduces the bottom ecology of Dianchi Lake as seen by General Secretary Xi. Native fish, such as Rhodeinae, Gobiidae and rice-farming fish swim through the cracks in the Vallisneria natans, restoring Dianchi Lake, the pearl of the plateau, to its former glory.
As a native of Kunming, He Jian is proud that the United Nations Biodiversity Conference will be held in Kunming. In addition to showing the world Yunnan’s and China’s environmental protection efforts, he believes that the significance of the conference is to teach all the people of Kunming the lesson that everyone living in this kingdom of flora and fauna can truly love and protect nature.
A lecturer introduces the animals on display. File photo
This sort of imperceptible influence also occurs in the “Sky Forest.” Soon after it opened, he was impressed by a little boy. Originally, his commentary would only last for one hour, but this little boy had endlessly many questions. So, as the curator, he accompanied the little boy for three or four hours, never leaving the rainforest area. He was excited to see that his curiosity and appreciation of nature had taken root in the young boy’s heart.
Kids sketching at the rainforest area. File photo
“The best relationship between a city and nature is for the city to be in the forest and the forest to be in the city,” he says. Because it gives people a real forest in the city, it is called the “Sky Forest.” It is also his small effort as an individual toward the city’s ecological civilization.
翻译:语言桥集团 杨朋飞
责编:李冬雨 实习编辑:李晓梅