Meta(Facebook)Connect Keynotes|扎克伯格演讲原文及解读(8000字)

MarkZuckerberg: (00:01)
Desktop to web to phones, from text to photos to video(互联网的发展历程).But this isn’t the end of the line. The next platform and medium will be even more immersive, an embodied internet where you’re in the experience, not just looking at it, and we call this themetaverse(上来就提元宇宙,点明主旨). And you’re going to be able to do almost anything you can imagine, get together with friends and family, work, learn, play, shop,create as well as entirely new categories that don’t really fit how we think about computers or phones today. Now, since we’re doing this remotely today, I figured let’s make this special.
Mark Zuckerberg: (00:39)
So we’ve put together something that I think is really going to give you a feeling for what this future could be like. We believethe metaverse will be the successor to the mobile internet. We’ll be able to feel present like we’re right there with people no matter how far apart we actually are. We’ll be able to express ourselves in new, joyful, completely immersive ways and that’s to unlock a lot of amazing new experiences. When I send my parents a video of my kids, they’re going to feel like they’re right in the moment with us not peering through a little window.
Mark Zuckerberg: (01:13)
When you play a game with your friends, you’ll feel like you’re right there together in a different world, not just on your computer by yourself. And when you’re in a meeting in the metaverse, it’ll feel like you’re right in the room together, making eye contact, having a shared sense of space and not just looking at a grid of faces on a screen. That’s what we mean by an embodied internet.Instead of looking at a screen, you’re going to be in these experiences.Everything we do online today connecting socially, entertainment, games, workis going to be more natural and vivid.
Mark Zuckerberg: (01:49)
This isn’t about spending more time on screens. It’s about making the time that we already spend better. Screens just can’t convey the full range of human expression and connection. They can’t deliver that deep feeling of presence,but the next version of the internet can. That’s what we should be working towards. Technology that’s built around people and how we actually experience the world and interact with each other. That’s what the metaverse is all about.Now, the best way to understand the metaverse is to experience it yourself.
Mark Zuckerberg: (02:18)
But it’s a little tough because it doesn’t … Emerge as we speak, we’re starting to get a sense of how it could all come together and what it could feel like.So today we’re going to do something a little bit different. Rather than just focusing on this year’s products, like a normal keynote, we’re going to talk about the future.So let’s start by exploring what different kinds of metaverse experiences could feel like, starting with the most important experience of all, connecting with people.
Mark Zuckerberg: (02:59)
Imagine you put on your glasses or headset, and you’re instantly in your homespace. It has parts of your physical home recreated virtually, it has things that are only possible virtually, and it has an incredibly inspiring view of whatever you find most beautiful.
Mark Zuckerberg: (05:01)
All right. So that’s a glimpse of a few ways that we’re going to be able to get together and socialize in the metaverse. It’s a ways off, but you can start to see some of the fundamental building blocks take shape. First, the feeling of presence. This is the defining quality of the metaverse. You’re going to really feel like you’re there with other people. You’ll see their face expressions.You’ll see their body language. Maybe figure out if they’re actually holding a winning hand. All the subtle ways that we communicate that today’s technology can’t quite deliver.
Mark Zuckerberg: (05:32)
Next, there areavatars(说到虚拟人了), and that’s how we’re going to represent ourselves in the metaverse.Avatars will be as common as profile pictures today, but instead of a static image, they’re going to be living 3D representations of you, your expressions, your gestures that are going to make interactions much richer than anything that’s possible online today.You’ll probably have a photo realistic avatar for work, a stylized one for hanging out and maybe even a fantasy one for gaming. You’re going to have a wardrobe of virtual clothes for different occasions designed by different creators and from different apps and experiences.
Mark Zuckerberg: (06:10)
Importantly, you should be able to bring your avatar and digital items across different apps and experiences in the metaverse. Beyond avatars, there is your home space. You’re going to be able to design it to look the way you want,maybe put up your own pictures and videos and store your digital goods. You’re going to be able to invite people over, play games and hang out. You’ll also even have a home office where you can work. Your home is your personal space from which you can teleport to anywhere you want.
Mark Zuckerberg: (06:41)
Now, speaking of teleporting, there are going to be all kinds of different spaces that people make. Rooms like the ones that we just saw, but also games and whole worlds that you can teleport in and out of whenever you want.Teleporting around the metaverse is going to be like clicking a link on the internet. It’s an open standard. In order to unlock the potential of the metaverse, there needs to be interoperability. And that goes beyond just taking your avatar and digital items across different apps and experiences, which weare already building an API to support.
Mark Zuckerberg: (07:13)
You want to know that when you buy something or create something, that your items will be useful in a lot of contexts and you’re not going to be locked into one world or platform. You want to know that you own your items, not a platform. Now this is going to require not just technical work, like some of the important projects that are going on around crypto and NFTs in the community now. It’s also going to take ecosystem building, norm setting and newforms of governance. And this is something that we’re really going to focus on.
Mark Zuckerberg: (07:45)
Privacy and safety(隐私和安全非常重要)need to be built into the metaverse from day one. You’ll get to decide when you want to be with other people, when you want to block someone from appearing in your space, or when you want to take a break and teleport to a private bubble to be alone. You’re going to be able to bring things from the physical world into the metaverse, almost any type of media that can be represented digitally, photos, videos, art, music, movies, books, games, you name it. And lots of things that are physical today, like screens, will just be able to be holograms in the future.
Mark Zuckerberg: (08:19)
You won’t need a physical TV. It’ll just be a $1 hologram from some high school kid halfway across the world. And you’ll be able to take your items and project them into the physical world as holograms and augmented reality, too.You’re going to be able to move across these different experiences on all kinds of different devices, sometimes using for virtual reality so you’re fully immersed, sometimes using augmented reality glasses so you can be present in the physical world as well, and sometimes on a computer or phone so you can quickly jump into the metaverse from existing platforms.(上面这段讲元宇宙的入口,包括VR和AR)
Mark Zuckerberg: (08:53)
There are going to be new ways of interacting with devices that are much more natural. Instead of typing or tapping, you’re going to be able to gesture with your hands, say a few words, or even just make things happen by thinking about them. Your devices won’t be the focal point of your attention anymore. Instead of getting in the way, they’re going to give you a sense of presence, the new experiences that you’re having and the people who you’re with. And these aresome of the basic concepts for the metaverse.
Mark Zuckerberg: (09:21)
And while this may sound like science fiction, we’re starting to see a lot of these technologies coming together. In the next five or 10 years, a lot of this is going to be mainstream and a lot of us will be creating and inhabiting worlds that are just as detailed and convincing as this one on a daily basis. So eventhough it’s still a long way off, we are starting to work on some of these foundational concepts today.Horizon(这是扎克伯格正在努力做的早期产品)is the social platform that we are building for people to create and interact in the metaverse. One part of this is Horizon Home, which is our early vision for a home space in the metaverse.
Mark Zuckerberg: (10:05)
Horizon Home is the first thing that you’ll see when you put on your Quest headset. Today, there are already a bunch of options to choose from. And in the future, anyone will be able to create one. We’ve just called it Home until now,because it’s been missing something very important. People. Soon, we’re going to be introducing a social version of Home, where you can invite your friends to join you as avatars. You’ll be able to hang out, watch videos together andjump into apps together. Then there is Horizon Worlds, which is where you can build worlds and jump into them with people.
Mark Zuckerberg: (10:42)
Horizon is designed to make it possible for everyone to create, and we’re already seeing people build some really interesting experiences from creating new games together to throwing surprise parties and VR that family and friends around the world can join. We started rolling out Horizon Worlds in beta last year, and we’re adding more people and more worlds every day. And we also just launched Horizon Workrooms earlier this year for collaboration. Beyond Horizon,we are also making it easier to communicate with your friends across different layers of reality.
Mark Zuckerberg: (11:16)
This year we’re bringing messenger or calls to virtual reality. You’re going to be able to invite your friends to a messenger call and soon you’ll be able to explore somewhere together or join a game. Now, these are the kinds of tools that need to get built so that you can jump into the metaverse with your friends from anywhere, and they’re going to unlock some pretty amazing experiences. Now let’s move on from some of these basic concepts and people just connecting to a completely different set of experiences on entertainmentand gaming.
Mark Zuckerberg: (11:54)
Imagine your best friend is at a concert somewhere across the world. What if you could be there with her?
Mark Zuckerberg: (13:39)
You can start to see how the metaverse is going to enable richer experiences by letting us add new layers to the world that we can interact with. Creators and artists are going to be able to connect with their audiences in new ways and really bring them into these shared experiences. Now there’s a lot that needs to get built to create experiences like this, but we’re working on some of these pieces right now with Spark AR. First, we’re building tools that creators can use to place digital objects into the physical world and let people interact with them.
Mark Zuckerberg: (14:09)
And rather than just simple visual effects, new creator capabilities will support 3D objects that can respond and react realistically, including are alistic sense of depth and occlusion. In the next year, we’re also adding the ability for creators to connect different physical locations into cohesive,augmented reality storytelling experiences like guided tours or scavenger hunts. We’re also so building a horizon marketplace where creators can sell and share 3D digital items. And our hope is that this will enable a lot more commerce and help grow the overall metaverse economy(经济系统NFT).
Mark Zuckerberg: (14:50)
Because at the end of the day, it is really the creators and developers who are going to build the metaverse and make this real. And to make sure that there’s an ecosystem that can sustain hundreds of thousands of people working on this,which is what we’re going to need to bring this to life, then it’s critical that creators and developers can make a good living doing this work. Now, if you ask people today what they thought the metaverse was, a lot of people would probably say it was a Spider-Man movie.
Mark Zuckerberg: (15:19)
But the people actually follow the space would say it’s aboutgaming(游戏才是目前最接近元宇宙的地方). And that’s because gaming provides many of the most immersive experiences and it is the biggest entertainment industry by far. Gaming in the metaverse is going to span from immersive experiences and fantasy worlds to bringing simple games into our everyday lives through holograms. Maybe you’ll play old games in new ways.
Mark Zuckerberg: (17:05)
Maybe later. I’m going to need a lot more sunscreen though. Oh man. Well,gaming is a lot of people are going to step into the metaverse for the first time. It already has some of the most fully built out digital goods, the most active creator and developer communities and major platforms like Epic are working to build out the metaverse starting with gaming. For our part, we’re heavily investing in building a healthy VR and AR ecosystem, so the game studios can and keep building and gaming creators can keep creating. Now, Deb from our studios team is joining me.
Mark Zuckerberg: (22:23)
All right. Thanks Deb. This is going to be amazing. Now, a lot of the most interesting games out there take advantage of how you can move around physically. Being able to look anywhere, move freely. It’s just a fundamentally different experience from staring at a screen. This quality of being physically embodied and able to interact with the world and move around inside it. Nowthat opens up some completely new experiences that didn’t really make sense before on 2D phones or computers. And one example that we are seeing take off is fitness. And speaking of that, I think it’s time for my workout. A lot of you are already usingQuest(有钱的朋友可以买一个VR眼镜玩玩)to stay fit. It lets you work out in somecompletely new ways. It’s kind of like a Peloton, but instead of a bike, youjust have your VR headset and with it, you can do anything from boxing lessons to sword fighting to even dancing. You’ll be able to work out in new worlds,even against an AI. Maybe you’ll get some friends together for some three onthree. Maybe play pickup with people on the other side of the world. Or imagine your Facebook cycling group does an AR charity ride.
Mark Zuckerberg: (24:48)
And that’s what fitness will be like in the metaverse. Now I think we’re going to see a lot more unique experiences emerging around fitness that take advantage of the full immersion in interactive training. Speaking of which,Super natural just added boxing to its lineup. FitXR has new fitness studios coming next year, and Player 22 by Rezzil, which is currently used bypro-athletes is adding guided and hand tracked body weight exercises soon.We’re making a fitness accessories pack that makes Quest 2 more comfortable with controller grips for when things been intense and a facial interface that you can wipe the sweat off of making your sessions more comfortable. And that’sall coming next year.