
The Evergrande debacle has not yet morphed into a pernicious Chinese “Lehman moment”, but it has rekindled deeper concerns in the marketplace about the health of the Chinese real estate sector. Investors fear that a collapse in Chinese housing activity could lead to a material growth slowdown that would ripple across the world. Mainstream financial media frequently quotes a 2020 paper, “Peak China Housing”, authored by renowned Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff and Tsinghua University scholar Yuanchen Yang, highlighting Chinese real estate excesses. Many clients have written us asking for our opinion on this highly complex topic.
恒大虽然还没有演变成“雷曼时刻”,但它重新引发了市场对中国房地产行业健康状况更深层次的担忧。投资者担心,房地产活动的骤冷可能导致实质性增长放缓并波及全球。主流金融媒体经常引用哈佛大学著名教授肯尼斯·罗格夫(Kenneth Rogoff)和清华大学学者杨元晨(Yuanchen Yang)2020年撰写的一篇论文《中国房地产拐点》(Peak China Housing),强调中国房地产过剩。许多读者写信给我们,询问艾摩对这个高度复杂话题的看法。
To be blunt, we did not find the much-touted Rogoff & Yang paper well-researched or chock-full of original ideas. In our view, the paper lacks historical context, and confuses housing demand in China, a rapidly urbanizing economy, with that of fully urbanized countries where housing demand is a lot more measured and stable. Therefore, the conclusion that China’s housing market is massivelyoverbuilt is highly questionable.
The government has introduced several policies for real estate.Without an immediate and material relaxing on financing rules for developers, the sector risks a systemic fallout under the heavy weight of draconian policy tightening.
Rogoff Paper In A Nutshell
Most of our readers do not have the luxury of spending time reading a 45-page-long paper. Here is a brief recap. The Rogoff and Yang paper argues that decades of a housing construction boom in China have led to severe price misalignments and supply-demand mismatches, making an adjustment inevitable. By benchmarking China to some other countries, the paper concludes that China’s real estate is vulnerable to a sustained growth shock. As such, housing activity declines could easily cut Chinese output by 5-10%.
In their view, the ails of the Chinese housing market are obvious.
• Spectacular price gains and extreme unafford-ability. According to Rogoff’s and Yang’s findings, Chinese home prices surged by a factor of 10 between 1991 and 2018 (Chart 1), far out-pacing any other recent housing bubbles. The price gains were particularly dramatic in firsttier cities. Between 2002 and 2018 alone, home prices in these mega metropolitan areas jumped by six-fold, compared to 80% gains in the U.S. between 2000 and 2005, or 100% and 230% in Ireland and Spain in their respective housing booms, all of which ended in tears.
• 惊人的价格涨幅和极端的不可负担性。根据Rogoff和Yang的研究结果,中国的房价在1991年至2018年期间飙升了10倍(图1),远远超过了最近任何其他国家的住房泡沫。一线城市的价格涨幅尤其惊人。仅在2002年至2018年期间,中国这些超大城市地区的房价就跃升了6倍,相比之下,美国在2000年至2005年期间的涨幅为80%,爱尔兰和西班牙在其各自的住房热潮中的涨幅分别为100%和230%,但最终这些故事都以泪水收场。
Such drastic price gains in Chinese first-tier cities led to extremely poor affordability compared with other major cities around the world (Chart 2). Home price-to-income ratios in Beijing and Shanghai are currently over 40 times, far higher than other major cities in the world.
• Unprecedented real estate investment boom. Rogoff et al. claim that the drastic price increases in the Chinese housing sector were accompanied by an unprecedented real estate investment boom. Real estate investment has accounted for more than 10% of GDP in recent years, compared with 7% in the U.S. in 2005 prior to the housing bubble, or about 5% more recently (Chart 3, top panel).
• 前所未有的房地产投资热潮。罗格夫等人声称,中国住宅价格的急剧上升是伴随着前所未有的房地产投资热潮而出现的。近年来,房地产投资占GDP的10%以上,而美国在房地产泡沫之前的2005年为7%,最近则降为5%左右(图3,顶部图表)。
Moreover, combined with construction activity, the impact of China’s real estate sector on overall economic growth is even larger, according to Rogoff and Yang. The authors calculated that the real estate and construction industries combined accounted for around 29% of China’s GDP in 2016, comparable only to pre-crisis Spain and Ireland (Chart 3, bottom panel), both of which suffered a devastating bust.
• Exhausted housing demand. The paper argues that China’s housing oversupply is particularly worrying, as housing demand is set to weaken substantially. It claims that China’s home ownership is over 90%, the highest among major economies, while per-capita living space is already comparable to many high-income countries (Chart 4). This, together with China’s advanced urbanization process and aging demographics, has exhausted demand, leading to a structural, if not permanent, peak in Chinese housing construction. Given the economy’s heavy dependence on real estate and construction, the impact on Chinese growth will be severe and long-lasting.
• 住房需求枯竭。该文章认为,中国的住房供应过剩问题尤其令人担忧,原因是住房需求将大幅减弱。它声称,中国的住房自有率超过90%,是主要经济体中是最高的,而人均居住面积已经与许多高收入国家相当(图4)。这一点,加上中国较高的城市化进程和人口老龄化,已经基本耗尽了需求,导致了中国住房建设的结构性(如果不是永久性的话)高峰。鉴于中国经济对房地产和建筑业的严重依赖,这对中国经济增长的影响将是深远且持久的。
A key challenge for investors to fully understand the Chinese housing market situation is a lack of coprehensive official statistics, which leaves room for misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Rogoff and Yang deserve accolades for making the effort to sort through numerous datasets to present China’s housing supply-demand dynamics. Nonetheless, some of the data quoted in the paper appear questionable. For example, China’s exceedingly high home ownership cited in the paper, at over 90%, contradicts with extreme unaffordability of home ownership. Moreover, the paper suggests that fixed asset investment as a share of GDP has reached 70-80%, which is obviously statistically impossible.
Due to different statistical caliber and bear little real-life relevance.
More importantly, however, even assuming the numbers quoted in the paper are largely valid, we strongly disagree with the conclusions.
Why Rogoff Was Wrong?
At the onset, the paper’s conclusion that China’s massive housing supply overhang co-exists with a price “bubble” defies the basic laws of supply and demand in economics, as oversupply should put downward pressure on prices. Housing oversupply and dramatic price gains can co-exist only if mortgage lending standards are loose and easily available, as happened during the housing booms in the U.S. and some European countries prior to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). However, the opposite has been true in China, where mortgage lending standards have been very stringent. Mandatory down payments for mortgage borrowing have never been lower than 20%, and existing homeowners are typically required to put down as much as 60% to borrow to buy a second home.
首先,该文件的结论是,中国大规模的住房供应过剩与价格 "泡沫 "并存,这违背了经济学中的基本供需法则,因为供应过剩会给价格带来下行压力。只有在抵押贷款标准宽松且容易获得的情况下,住房供应过剩和价格大幅上涨才能并存,就像全球金融危机前的美国和一些欧洲国家在住房繁荣时期所发生的那样。然而,中国的情况恰恰相反,中国的抵押贷款标准一直非常严格。抵押贷款的强制性首付从未低于20%,今天购房者通常被要求支付高达60%的首付来购买第二套住房。
Meanwhile, there have been two episodes of monetary tightening since the GFC. Mortgage interest rates were raised by 330 and 125 basis points, respectively, in 2009-2011 and 2017-2018, both of which had no visible or long-lasting impact on home prices (Chart 5). If China’s housing market is indeed as dangerously oversupplied and Chinese households as highly levered as described in the Rogoff-Yang paper, such rate hikes would have led to a collapse in home prices.
In hindsight, the monetary tightening can be viewed as a stress test, which reveals that China’s housing fundamentals are a lot more resilient than the authors fear.
Second, comparing China’s current real estate activity with those of developed countries is overly simplistic and lacks a basic understanding of the history of China’s housing sector. It is important to note that China’s housing “market” only began to develop nation-wide in the late 1990s, when the country embarked on housing reforms. Prior to the reforms, China had had a housing system since 1949, where households were allocated residences either directly from the state or from their state-owned employers. More importantly,the government prioritized industrial development over residential development in those years. Therefore, the half-century-long socialist housing system created an acute shortage of housing. Chinese policymakers were eventually forced to push households into the market and to buy homes from developers, ushering in the market-oriented housing reforms.
第二,将中国目前的房地产活动与发达国家相比较,过于简单粗暴,缺乏对中国商品房历史的基本了解。值得注意的是,中国的住房"市场 "是在20世纪90年代末开始在全国范围内展开的,当时中国开始了住房改革。在改革之前,中国自1949年以来一直施行家庭直接从国家或国有企业那里分配住宅的制度。更重要的是,在那些年里,政府将工业发展置于住宅发展之上。因此,造成了住房的严重短缺。中国的政策制定者最终被迫将家庭推向市场,从开发商那里购买住房,迎来了市场化的住房改革。
In other words, the housing reforms of the late 1990s were a watershed event that led to a construction boom and dramatically improved Chinese peoples’ living conditions. In this vein, it is wrong to conclude that Chinese residential construction was excessive as soon as China’s construction activity as a share of GDP surpassed other countries, because a significant part of the construction was simply to make up for the cumulated housing shortages under the half-century-long socialist system. Rogoff’s chart (top panel, Chart 3 on page 3) shows China’s housing activity has been higher than U.S. levels since 2002, but it falls short of showing that China’s housing investment prior to that was extremely low. Chart 6 shows China’s housing investment accounted for a mere 1% of GDP in the mid 1980s when the data became available, and the ratio was mostly likely even lower in earlier years. To rectify housing shortages and satisfy pent-up residential demand, China’s housing construction will have to be a lot stronger than the U.S. for an extended period of time.
Similarly, Rogoff’s chart comparing China with other countries (bottom panel, Chart 3 on page 3) also fails to recognize China’s historical housing shortages. More importantly, the countries that Rogoff uses for benchmarking are all fully urbanized developed countries where housing demand is primarily driven by population growth (Chart 7). In China’s case, however, rapid urbanization has been the key driver for housing demand, which together with organic population growth necessitates that Chinese housing investment should be far higher than those countries. Without the construction boom, Chinese cities may have been plagued by sprawling urban slums like in many populous developing countries such as Brazil, India, South Africa and Mexico.
Another problem of benchmarking China to DM countries is that Rogoff and Yang have taken for granted that since China’s real estate and construction account for a larger share of GDP than other developed countries, it must be that China’s level is excessive. However, it is also well known that many developed countries are suffering from insufficient investment, with decaying housing stock and aging infrastructure. In fact, home prices in these countries have been rising faster than in China’s, despite much lower income growth (Chart 8). Therefore, the slowdown in housing construction in these countries since the GFC may have led to supply shortages and bid up prices. China’s home price gains could have been even stronger if its housing investment were at similar levels to these DM countries.
Finally, it is equally wrong to conclude that China’s housing demand has reached a secular peak, as China’s urbanization process is not complete. At about 60%, there is still at least 20-30% of the Chinese population in rural areas that will move into cities in the coming decades. Meanwhile, many migrant workers are still living in factory dorm rooms or sub-standard homes, and will naturally upgrade to better residences going forward. All of this will create constant housing demand for decades to come.
Moreover, using per-capita living space to forecast housing demand is problematic. For example, both the U.S. and Canada have the highest per-capita living space in the world, in Rogoff’s chart (Chart 4on page 4), and yet housing construction in both countries has been soaring for the past decade, particularly since 2019, when residential construction has gone vertical in both countries (Chart 9). This means that housing demand is a function of interest rates and income growth. So long as Chinese economic growth and household income levels continue to improve, demand for better and bigger housing will be insatiable.
Restrictions on property could backfire
Economic predictions cooked out of ivory towers are typically harmless. What’s more troubling is that Chinese policymakers have long held similar views that the domestic housing excesses need to be checked. Needless to say, China’s poor housing affordability is a source of glaring social discontent, and policymakers deserve credit for trying to address this issue. Indeed, they have imposed numerous policy restrictions on all aspects of residential development, from land sales and developer financing to mortgage borrowing and home purchase restrictions. However, the administrative meddling has been counterproductive, as discussed in an earlier report and has failed to arrest the sharp rally in Chinese home prices.
从象牙塔诞生的经济预测通常是免责的。但令人不安的是,一些经济学家和政策制定者长期以来一直持有类似的观点,认为国内的住房过剩现象必须被遏制。毋庸置疑,中国糟糕的住房负担能力是引发社会不满的重要原因之一,政策制定者试图解决这个问题值得肯定。事实上,他们已经对住宅开发的所有方面施加了许多政策,从土地销售和开发商融资到抵押贷款和购房限制。然而,正如先前的一份报告3 所述,干预结果适得其反,限制供应未能阻止中国房价的大幅上涨。
The ineffectiveness of tight housing policy, however, has led to ever tighter measures to fight the illusional housing bubble. As a highly levered business by nature, a sudden stop of funding flows can easily threaten the going concern of the most financially conservative developers. Without a material loosening of funding restrictions on developers, the credit crunch could spread to the entire sector, causing systemic stress in the broader economy. The latest central bank statement recognizes this risk and appears to be fine-tuning policies. It remains to be seen whether this could backstop the escalating financial stress among developers.
In the near term, the path of least resistance for the Chinese economy is down, and the latest credit and growth numbers remain worrying. Our credit impulse indicator remains deeply depressed, and our business cycle indicator has continued to plunge, with no signs of an immediate bottom (Chart 10). We suspect the current growth rate is already below the authorities’ pain threshold and expect that policy reflation will gain momentum. Our conviction level, however, has been weakened by the lack of an immediate policy rescue for developers.
Finally, we advise against buying Chinese property developers’ U.S. dollar bonds, which have suffered huge losses amid the Evergrande debacle and effective defaults of several other Chinese developers (Chart 11). The authorities will ultimately be forced to ease the stringent controls on property developers’ access to financing, but investors should avoid jumping in too early, as it is impossible to time such a policy move. Moreover, the authorities may decide that defaults on offshore bonds are irrelevant for domestic financial stability and maintain a hands-off approach. A lot of the property company debt outstanding is short term, but the market is unwilling at the moment to roll over the paper, and banks are either constrained or unwilling to extend financing, which could lead to additional defaults among weaker developers.