【顺时而生】清明时节万物清明|双语版二十四节气 24 Solar Terms

Qingming, or Pure Brightness, which is the 5th solar term, starts from Apr 4th to 19th. The meaning of Qingming in Chinese is to describe the weather is "clear/pure" and "bright" during this period. Temperatures begin to rise and rainfall increases, making it a crucial time for plowing and sowing in the spring. Qingming is not only a solar term but also a festival marked as tomb-sweeping day when people pay respect to the lost ones.
★ 传统习俗 Important tradition of Qingming
扫墓祭祖 Tomb sweeping and ancestor worship
Qingming is an important festival for Chinese to show respect to ancestors and beloved relatives passed away by tomb-sweeping. The tradition can be traced back to ancient times and still matters a lot in modern society. For this purpose, Chinese families visit the tombs of their ancestors to clean the gravesites, pray to their ancestors, and make ritual offerings. Offerings would typically include traditional food dishes, and the burning of joss sticks and joss paper.
★ 清明三候 Three phenomena of Qingming
The Qingming is divided into three pentads with three phenomena to observe.
The first pentad, white parasol trees bloom.(一候桐始华)When spring comes, all things revive. When Qingming comes, the Yang qi is more prosperous and all kinds of flowers bloom. Perhaps, in the minds of the ancients, the day when white tung flowers a little later, just in the Qingming Festival, so as to mark the arrival of qingming Festival.
The second pentad, Voles disappear, quail birds appear.(二候田鼠化为鹌)Voles retreat to their burrows as the sun rises, and yang-loving birds begin to come out. The field-mouse is a thing to the shade, the bird to the sun. This means that Yin qi is hidden and Yang qi is increasing. Visible, spring in the landscape of grass and warbler flying, is to comply with the changes in nature.
The third pentad, rainbows appear.(三候虹始见)It is rainy during Tomb-sweeping Day, so rainbows appear.
★ 饮食养生 What to eat
The weather in Qingming is unpredictable, which rains in one minute and shines in another. Therefore, it is suggested to eat foods with function of tonifying Yang to avoid getting cold and eliminating dampness while too much rain. The food such as tremella, dictyophora, lily, Chinese yam, shepherd's purse, mugwort leaves and spinach, are all good choices.
☆ 青团 Qing Ming Dumplings (Qingtuan)
[功效 Function]
Tonify Yang and dispell dampness.
[食谱 Recipe]
红豆 Red beans 70g
植物油 2汤匙 Vegetable oil 2 Tbs
白糖 Sugar 70g
艾叶 Mugwort leaves 50g
糯米粉 Glutinous rice flour 100g
小麦淀粉 Wheat starch 30g
1.先将红豆泡在冷水里一晚,然后煮软,把它们沥干,磨成细面糊。如果面糊太湿,加少许植物油翻炒,与糖混合后放在一边待用。Soak the red beans in cold water overnight, boil them until soft. Drain and grind them to make fine dry paste. If the paste is too moist,stir-fry with a little vegetable oil. Mix with sugar and set aside.
2.把艾叶洗净,切成小块,磨碎。Wash the mugwort leaves and cut them into small pieces; grind the leaves.
3. 将糯米粉和小麦淀粉倒入叶片中。用温水将混合物充分揉搓,直到面团失去黏性,然后在面团中加入一匙油,方便上色。
Add glutinous rice flour and wheat starch to the ground leaves. Knead the mixture thoroughly together with warm water until the dough loses its stickiness; add a spoonful of oil into the dough for color.
4. 把面团分成相同大小的块。
Divide the dough into blocks of the same size.
5. 把红豆沙塞进面团里,做成球状或饺子状。
Stuff each block of dough with the red bean paste, make them into small balls or jiaozi-shaped dumplings as you like.
6. 蒸15分钟后上桌。
Steam the dumplings for 15 minutes before serving.
☆ 艾叶鸡汤 Mugwort leaves and chicken soup
[功效 Function]
Warm meridians and disperse cold, nourish qi and blood. It is good for people with qi and blood deficiency.
[食谱 Recipe]
Fresh mugwort leaves 100g(or mugwort leaves 50g)
鸡肉 Chicken 500g
姜5片 Ginger 5 slices
枣3个 Chinese dates 3
蜜枣2个 Candied dates 2
盐适量 Salt in moderation
步骤 Instructions:
1. 将老鸡炖熟,备用;
Simmers the old chicken for future use;
2. 将艾蒿叶煮沸;
Boil the mugwort leaves;
3. 30分钟后将艾蒿叶去除,留汤备用;
Remove the mugwort leaves after 30 minutes, and keep the soup for later use;
4. 将艾叶汤、陈鸡、姜、枣、蜜枣放入汤锅内煮1.5小时,即可。
Put the mugwort leave soup, old chicken and ginger, Chinese dates and candied dates in the soup pot, cook for 1.5 hours.
☆桃胶银耳汤 Peach gum and tremella soup
[功效 Function]
supplement spleen and tonify qi, strengthen stomach and promote digestion.
[食谱 Recipe]
桃胶 Peach gum 15g
银耳若干 Tremella half
枸杞1把 Wolfberry 1 handlebar
冰糖 Rock sugar 5g
水 Water 1200ml
步骤 Instructions:
1. 把桃胶泡在水里一个晚上;
Soak peach gum in water for one night;
2. 提前浸泡银耳1小时,炖1小时;
Soak the tremella for 1 hour in advance, stew for 1 hour;
3. 加入桃胶,继续炖30分钟;
Add peach gum and continue to stew for 30 minutes;
4. 再加入枸杞和冰糖,再炖5分钟,即可。
Add some wolfberry and rock sugar, simmer for another five minutes.
★ 健体养生 What to do
☆ 清明前后仍要注重保暖
Proper wear to keep warm before and after Qingming
The weather in Qingming is windy and rainy, and can be changed suddenly. People who visit tombs or have other outdoor activities are vulnerable to be attacked by cold and pathogen. Therefore, a jacket is suggested to be prepared that can be worn and taken off with the weather changed. Pregnant women and elders should pay more attention to it.
☆ 疏通肝胆
Regulate liver and gallbladder meridians
As we introduced, spring relates to liver which governs emotion, and pair with gallbladder which governs decision. If you are easy to be indecisive, over thinking, insomnia, impatient, irritable, or getting up with bitter mouth, these are indicators of gallbladder deficiency and liver fire. Here we have two ways of nourishing gallbladder and smoothing liver as below, in order to have a “pure” and ”bright” condition in your body.
Knocking/clapping the gallbladder meridian in the morning
The position of the gallbladder meridians is on outside of legs, the position of the pants line. Get up every morning and knock or clap back and forth along the pants line with hollow fists or palms. The more painful the area is, the more Qi stagnation is. Knock or clap for about 5-10 minutes each time until this area is warm. You can also apply some massage oil to scrape the gallbladder meridian with a scraper.
Pushing the liver meridians at night
The position of the liver meridians is on the inner side of the legs, just opposite to the gallbladder meridians. It is good pushing it up and down with palm before going to bed, knock or scrape is also works as well. You can do acupressure on Taichong (LR3), Qimen (LR14) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) points, especially good for female.