人类肺部首次发现微塑料,数量之多、颗粒之大令研究者意外|Sci.Total Environ

在 13 名接受手术的患者中,11 人的肺组织内被发现存在微塑料,其中最常见的是聚丙烯和聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)。这是科学家首次在活人肺部深处发现微塑料污染,这些微小粒子几乎出现在所有接受分析的样本中。
来源 《卫报》/Damian Carrington
翻译 阿金
编辑 魏潇
该研究已发表于《整体环境科学》(Science of the Total Environment),研究从 13 名手术患者被切除的肺组织中,选择了与病灶相邻的健康肺部组织样本,其中 11 人的肺组织内出现了直径从 4 微米到 2 毫米不等的微塑料,大多呈纤维状或碎片状。研究者使用光谱仪确定了塑料类型,指出其中最常见的微塑料颗粒是用于塑料包装和管道的聚丙烯,以及用来制作塑料瓶的 PET。同时也用到了对照组样本来说明背景污染水平。
“我们没想到会在肺的下半区发现的颗粒数量最多,也没想到发现了那么大的颗粒。”这项研究的资深作者、英国赫尔约克医学院(Hull York Medical School)的劳拉·萨多夫斯基(Laura Sadofsky)说道,“这让我们很意外,因为肺组织下半区的结构更细窄,我们本来预计在进入这么深的区域之前,这种大小的颗粒已经被过滤或捕获了。”
先前已有两项研究发现,尸检时的人体肺部组织中也存在同样高比例的微塑料。2021 年,一项巴西的尸检样本研究分析了 20 名人类尸体,在其中 13 具尸体内发现了微塑料,他们的平均年龄要高于萨多夫斯基研究评估的个体。用来制造塑料袋的聚丙烯是最常见的颗粒之一。由此研究人员总结道:“健康恶化的结果可能与人们将这些污染物吸入呼吸道相关。”
早在 1998 年,一项美国研究在来自肺癌患者的 100 多份样本内发现了塑料和植物纤维(例如棉花纤维)。在癌变组织内,97% 的样本包含这种纤维,而在非癌变组织内,也有 83% 的样本被污染。
【标题】Detection of microplastics in human lung tissue using μFTIR spectroscopy
【作者】Lauren C.Jenner, Jeanette M.Rotchell, Robert T.Bennett, MichaelCowen, VasileiosTentzeris, Laura R.Sadofskya
【期刊】Science of The Total Environment
【摘要】Airborne microplastics (MPs) have been sampled globally, and their concentration is known to increase in areas of high human population and activity, especially indoors. Respiratory symptoms and disease following exposure to occupational levels of MPs within industry settings have also been reported. It remains to be seen whether MPs from the environment can be inhaled, deposited and accumulated within the human lungs. This study analysed digested human lung tissue samples (n = 13) using μFTIR spectroscopy (size limitation of 3 μm) to detect and characterise any MPs present. In total, 39 MPs were identified within 11 of the 13 lung tissue samples with an average of 1.42 ± 1.50 MP/g of tissue (expressed as 0.69 ± 0.84 MP/g after background subtraction adjustments). The MP levels within tissue samples were significantly higher than those identified within combined procedural/laboratory blanks (n = 9 MPs, with a mean ± SD of 0.53 ± 1.07, p = 0.001). Of the MPs detected, 12 polymer types were identified with polypropylene, PP (23%), polyethylene terephthalate, PET (18%) and resin (15%) the most abundant. MPs (unadjusted) were identified within all regions of the lung categorised as upper (0.80 ± 0.96 MP/g), middle/lingular (0.41 ± 0.37 MP/g), and with significantly higher levels detected in the lower (3.12 ± 1.30 MP/g) region compared with the upper (p = 0.026) and mid (p = 0.038) lung regions. After subtracting blanks, these levels became 0.23 ± 0.28, 0.33 ± 0.37 and 1.65 ± 0.88 MP/g respectively. The study demonstrates the highest level of contamination control and reports unadjusted values alongside different contamination adjustment techniques. These results support inhalation as a route of exposure for environmental MPs, and this characterisation of types and levels can now inform realistic conditions for laboratory exposure experiments, with the aim of determining health impacts.