CBN丨2022 Mid-Autumn holiday tourism raked in 28.7b yuan,featuring short trips and night tours

Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
Coming up on today’s program.
Short-distance and night tours gained popularity during the past Mid-Autumn Festival holiday;
China plans to release additional pork reserve this week to maintain price stability.
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours
China saw 73.41 million domestic tourist visits during the three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday that ended Monday, according to data from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Domestic tourism revenue generated during the period totalled 28.7 billion yuan, a fall of 22.8 percent year-on-year, figures from the ministry showed. The trip number over the three-day break dropped by 16.7 percent year-on-year, according to the ministry on Monday evening.
Data on travel platforms showed that short-distance trips - one day and one night, or two days and one night, or a round-trip within one day - are the main choices for Mid-Autumn Festival tourists.
Local and peripheral travel reservations account for more than 60 percent of all bookings, among which clocking-in to scenic spots is a must, and ticket orders from local and surrounding areas account for 80 percent of the total, data from online travel platform Ctrip showed.
Hotel bookings rose 52 percent compared to last month, according to Fliggy, Alibaba Group's online travel booking platform, while bookings for camping even quadrupled the amount from the same period in August.
Night-time sightseeing is another highlight of the Mid-Autumn Festival, with lakes and rivers in cities including Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing ranking among the most popular destinations for sightseeing at night, according to the ministry.
Fliggy’s data showed that bookings for night travel products saw a monthly increase of 146 percent during the holiday. Night tours on rivers and lakes, theme park night tours and city night sightseeing are the most popular items on the platform, said Tongcheng Travel.
Chinese health officials on Thursday encouraged the public to stay put or reduce out-of-town trips. Under the anti-COVID-19 measures for the holidays, China Railway said on Thursday that 5.56 million passenger trips are expected to be made daily during the holiday. And according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China on Monday, there are over 18,000 flights carrying about 1.28 million passengers during this year’s holiday, with the average passenger load being 62.5 percent, slightly higher than last Mid-Autumn Festival.
China has started a record 19,000 new water conservancy projects nationwide this year, while the first eight months saw 977.6 billion yuan being invested in water conservancy construction, up over 50 percent year on year, said the Ministry of Water Resources at a Tuesday press conference. Over the past decade, China has advanced a series of construction of water conservancy projects with investment reaching 6.66 trillion yuan, five times that of the previous decade.
Moving on to regional highlights
Over 24 mainland cities have allowed residents to buy homes with parents' housing provident funds or enabled parents to jointly repay mortgages in an attempt to stimulate the sluggish demand in the real estate sector, media reported Tuesday. These measures are mainly taken by tier three and tier four cities, including Shanwei and Zhuhai in Guangdong Province.
European aircraft manufacturer Airbus plans to start to assemble A321 single-aisle aircraft at its final assembly line in Tianjin later this year, as the first batch of two large parts arrived in Tianjin Port from Germany on Saturday, and the large sections are expected to be transported to Airbus' final assembly centre today. By the end of this year, Airbus plans to deliver its 600th A320-series aircraft and the first A321 aircraft assembled in Tianjin, it said.
Next on industry and company news
China's box office during the Mid-Autumn Festival reached 350 million yuan, and attracted 8.9 million moviegoers, according to movie data tracking service Dengta on Monday. Twelve films debuted during the holiday, among which comedyGive Me fiveclaimed the first place with 165 billion yuan in box office.
China will release the second batch of pork into the market from central reserves this week, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said Tuesday. The price of pork, China's staple meat, inched up 0.4 percent in August over July, contracting 25.2 percent over the previous month, official data showed.
China Aviation Lithium Battery has started gauging investor demand for its $2 billion Hong Kong initial public offering from September 12 to 22. A successful fund raising could put it the second biggest IPO in Hong Kong this year, following a $2.1-billion listing of China Tourism Group Duty Free Corporation.
Apple Inc saw more than 1 million bookings for its latest flagship smartphone iPhone 14 series on a Chinese major e-commerce platform as of Saturday, only two days after the launch. showed that the iPhone 14 was out of stock by Saturday and the delivery time for the iPhone 14 Pro has been delayed to mid or late October. Apple's 2022 global shipments is estimated to reach 230 million and usher in its annual sales peak in the fourth quarter fuelled by launching new phones.
iPhone14销售火爆:截至9月10日,京东平台显示,iPhone14全系无货或在采购中,超过100万用户预约iPhone14 Pro的系列,iPhone14 Pro发货时间目前已推迟至10月中下旬。根据机构对iPhone14销售的预测,苹果2022年全球出货量为2.3亿台,四季度新机发布或迎来全年高点。
Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market
Chinese stocks closed higher on Tuesday, catching up to global gains following a long holiday weekend, after Premier Li Keqiang vowed China will continue to roll out phased policies to stabilise the economy. By the close, the benchmark Shanghai Composite edged up 0.05 percent and the Shenzhen Component gained 0.38 percent. In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng Index lost 0.18 percent and the TECH Index fell 0.2 percent.
Biz Word of the Day
Water Conservation Projectsenhance the beneficial use of water resources, agriculture production capacity, and farmer incomes by: increasing the value of agriculture production per unit of consumed water through increasing yields and reducing non-beneficial water losses; and establishing mechanisms for sustainable use and management of water resources in irrigated areas.
Executive Editor: Sonia YU
Editor: LI Yanxia
Host: Stephanie LI
Writer: Stephanie LI, HUANG Yuyan
Sound Editor: HUANG Yuyan
Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni
Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.
Presented by SFC
编委: 于晓娜
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