CBN丨China's new yuan loans,social financing far exceeded expectation in September

Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.
Coming up on today’s program.
China new bank lending nearly doubled in September, while social financing also beat market expectation.
IMF cuts 2023 global GDP growth forecast to 2.7% and warned "the worst is yet to come."
Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours
China's newly added social financing and yuan loans greatly surpassed market expectations in September, according to the latest official data, proving the efficacy of China's support policies to stabilise the economy.
Chinese banks extended 2.47 trillion yuan ($344.58 billion) in new yuan loans in September, nearly doubled from 1.25 trillion yuan in August and far exceeded 1.66 trillion yuan a year earlier, data released by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) showed on Tuesday.
Household loans, including mortgages, rose to 650.3 billion yuan in September from 458 billion yuan in August, while corporate loans rocketed to 1.92 trillion yuan from 875 billion yuan, central bank data showed.
Under the continuous promotion and acceleration in implementing policies to stabilise economic growth, the demand for credit in the enterprise and residential sectors has rebounded, with loose credit policies further speeding up, experts noted.
New yuan loans totalled 18.08 trillion yuan in the first nine months, rising 1.36 trillion yuan from a year earlier, central bank data showed.
Growth of outstanding total social financing (TSF), a broad measure of credit and liquidity in the economy, quickened to 10.6 percent in September, up from 10.5 percent in August. In September, TSF rose to 3.53 trillion yuan from 2.43 trillion yuan in August.
The central bank said in late September that it would increase efforts to consolidate an economic recovery, citing risks to the global economy and pledging to implement prudent monetary policy and to keep liquidity ample. It also lowered the interest rate for housing provident fund loans by 15 basis points for first-time home buyers from Oct. 1, in a bid to prop up the embattled property market.
For the fourth quarter, analysts believe that the progress of the economic recovery will be closer to normal growth. With the continuous introduction of measures to stabilise the property market, the credit will keep increasing in October. Meanwhile, loose credit policies will be further promoted, laying a solid foundation for promoting the recovery of the macroeconomic operation as soon as possible.
China's per capita disposable income stood at 35,128 yuan in 2021, up 112.8 percent from 2012. It brought the average annual nominal growth rate to 8.8 percent in the past decade. After deducting price factors, the average annual real growth rate was 6.6 percent, basically in line with the expanding economy, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Tuesday. In 2021, the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents were 47,412 yuan and 18,931 yuan, growing 96.5 percent and 126 percent over 2012, respectively.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday cut the global growth forecast for 2023 to 2.7 percent, 0.2 percentage point lower than its July forecast, saying, "for many people, 2023 will feel like a recession.” As the world feels the effects of the Ukraine conflict and high inflation, a third of the global economy is poised to contract this year or next "amid shrinking real incomes and rising prices," said the IMF in its latest World Economic Outlook report. The organisation maintained its forecast for global economic growth for 2022 at 3.2 percent.
Moving on to regional highlights
Shanghai had basically built a global financial centre in conformity with China's economic strength and the yuan's international status as of 2020, officials said at a press conference on Tuesday. Shanghai's total financial market turnover jumped from about 528 trillion yuan ($73.6 trillion) in 2012 to 2.5 quadrillion yuan in 2021. The market's direct financing value in 2021 was nearly five times that of 2012, while its cross-border yuan settlements surged about 47 percent on an average annual basis over the past ten years, with the city's stock market turnover nearly doubling. In 2021, financial added value accounted for 18 percent of the city's GDP, compared with 11 percent in 2012, according to the Shanghai branch of the PBOC.
In the first eight months this year, Yiwu in Zhejiang Province, the world's largest wholesale market for small commodities, exported 190 million yuan worth of warming equipment such as air conditioners, heat pumps, water heaters and electric blankets, up 41.6 percent on a yearly basis, data by local customs showed Tuesday.
A least 19 localities, including Nanchang in Jiangxi Province, Zhengzhou in Henan Province and Foshan in Guangdong Province, have issued coupons for housing purchases in a bid to boost the flagging property market, which are valid for buying homes or the furnishings, media reported Tuesday.
Greater Bay Area, Greater future
Five Hong Kong universities have been listed among the top 100 in the World University Rankings 2023, with the University of Hong Kong taking the 31st spot, according to the rankings released on Wednesday. The Chinese University of Hong Kong rose four spots to 45th, while the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology climbed from 66th to 58th. The City University of Hong Kong jumped from 151st to 99th. Seven universities on the Chinese mainland also made it in the top 100, with Tsinghua University ranking 16th, the highest among all Asian universities.
Next on industry and company news
China's trade in services valued at around 3.94 trillion yuan during the first eight months of the year, surging 20.4 percent year-on-year, according to the Ministry of Commerce on Wednesday. Service exports were up 23.1 percent to reach 1.91 trillion yuan during this period, while the imports were 2.03 trillion yuan, an increase of 17.9 percent on a yearly basis, resulting in a 29.5 percent decline year-on-year in trade deficit.
China invested a record 823.6 billion yuan in water conservancy facilities from January to September, up 64.1 percent year-on-year, the Ministry of Water Resources said on Tuesday, completing the annual target of investing 800 billion yuan in water conservancy projects three months ahead of schedule. During the first nine months, China began construction on 42 new major water conservancy projects, with a combined investment of over 1.9 trillion yuan.
China's Gotion Hi-Tech, a Volkswagen-backed battery maker, will partner with Sumec, a unit of state-owned China National Machinery Industry, to sell its battery products abroad. The two sides agreed to promote the sales of Gotion’s battery products and provide green energy solutions for both industrial and retail clients overseas by using Sumec’s sales network and product integration capabilities, the EV battery company said in a statement on Tuesday. The sales target is 10 gigawatt-hours for the next three years, it added.
Kanzhun Ltd., the operator of Chinese online recruitment platform Boss Zhipin, has filed for a dual primary listing in Hong Kong to raise funds for its core technologies, such as smart matching, data security, and risk assessment, according to its filing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange late Monday.
Shenergy, which mainly focuses on energy supply services in east China, got regulatory approval to the plan for a large offshore wind power project in southern island province of Hainan. With an overall installed capacity of 1.2 gigawatts, Shenergy will invest a total of 15 billion yuan on the project.
Switching gears to financial news
The PBOC on Wednesday vows to push forward with R&D work and expand pilot program for the digital yuan, or the e-CNY, to give a full play to its advantage. The central bank wrote in an article that it will support the use of digital yuan in finance, taxation and government affairs, as well as connect the e-CNY with other forms of e-payment to make it possible for users to pay with a universal QR code.
The central bank on Tuesday pledged to make continued efforts to deepen reform in the foreign exchange market and refrain from drastic ups and downs in the Chinese currency. The PBOC emphasised that the exact renminbi exchange rate cannot be precisely predicted under the market-based foreign exchange formation mechanism. The two-way volatility of the Chinese currency is thus normal while a "one-sided" performance will not occur.
China Development Bank (CDB) has provided a total of 13.1 billion yuan in loans for 115 specialized and sophisticated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) during the first three quarters, the country's policy bank said Wednesday.
Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market
Chinese shares continued to rise on Wednesday, with the benchmark Shanghai Composite gaining 1.53 percent to stand above 3000 points, while the Shenzhen Component bounced 2.46 percent. Hong Kong stocks fell for a fifth day, as the Hang Seng Index slipped 0.78 percent to a new low since October 2011, and the Tech Index slid 0.27 percent.
A股V型反弹港股续跌:周三A股三大指数低开高走,V型反转暴力拉升,截至收盘,沪指涨1.53%,重回3000点 ,深成指涨2.46%,创业板指涨3.6%,顺利收复2300点。港股冲高回落,恒指收跌0.78%,恒生科技指数跌0.27%。
Biz Word of the Day
Total Social Financing (TSF)is a liquidity measurement tool used in China since 2011, comprising yuan loans from banks, foreign currency loans, trust loans, bank acceptance bills, corporate bonds and equity sales of the non-financial institutions. It has become prominent in recent times as a measure of monetary policy in that country. It sums up total fund raising by the non-state entities including individuals and non-financial corporate of China..
Executive Editor: Sonia YU
Editor: LI Yanxia
Host: Stephanie LI
Writer: Stephanie LI
Sound Editor: Stephanie LI
Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni
Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.
Presented by SFC
编委: 于晓娜
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