Jason:英语思维解密,为什么throw a spanner in the works指捣乱,轻松学英语

throw a spanner in the works
Jason:英语思维解密,为什么throw a spanner in the works指捣乱,轻松学英语
throw a spanner in the works
spanner, wrench扳手,用来紧固东西的金属工具。works 14世纪指维持相关的操作,15世纪晚期指工业区,in the works 指正在制作中,put/throw a spanner/wrench in the works指破坏或阻止某人的计划、想法。the works 指机器的运动部件。工作中扔了一个扳手引起问题,阻止某事发生。如果扳手扔到发动机的齿轮和活塞中,会带来灾难性后果。
We had everything in line for the party, but having the caterer cancel on usat the last minute really threw a spanner in the works.我们已经为聚会准备了一切,但承办酒席的人在最后一分钟取消了合作,给我们带来了大麻烦。
Let's get this finished before the boss comes along and throws a spanner in the works.让我们在老板来捣乱之前把这件事做完。