
沙特阿拉伯达兰, 2022年11月17日 -- 沙特阿美决定向韩国投资,通过其子公司S-OIL建设一座炼油化工一体化蒸汽裂解装置,该装置将成为世界上体量最大的此类装置之一。这将是迄今为止沙特阿美对韩国最大规模的一笔投资,该计划符合公司发展原油最大化制造化学品的战略。
沙欣项目立志实现S-OIL的变革, 更着眼于为我们的全球化学品业务带来改变, 让我们能够以效率更高、能耗更低的方式处理更多的原材料。该项目是沙特阿美首次大规模部署热催化原油直接制化学品技术,通过更优秀的设计方案, 展示了公司如何向更高效、更可持续的生产流程过渡。
新的蒸汽裂解装置将使用混合原料,在整体效率和性能方面优于以石脑油为原料的裂解装置。项目竣工后, S-OIL的化学品收率(以体积计)将实现翻倍,达到25%。由此可见,这项尖端技术影响巨大,优势明显,将成为沙特阿美将其石油化工产能扩大到400万桶/日战略的有益补充。
沙特阿美是S-OIL的大股东,通过其子公司Aramco Overseas Company B.V.持有该公司63%以上的股份。
Aramco affiliate S-OIL to build
one of the world's largest
petrochemical crackers in South Korea
Biggest ever Aramco investment in South Korea contributes to a stable supply of feedstock
First commercial deployment of Aramco’s TC2C™ thermal crude to chemicals technology developed in collaboration with Lummus Technology
S-OIL’s chemical yield based on volume anticipated to almost double to 25% upon project completion
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, November 17, 2022- Aramco is making its biggest ever investment in South Korea to develop one of the world’s largest refinery-integrated petrochemical steam crackers through its S-OIL affiliate, in line with the company’s strategy to maximize the crude to chemicals value chain.
The $7 billion Shaheen project aims to convert crude oil into petrochemical feedstock and would represent the first commercialization of Aramco and Lummus Technology’s TC2C thermal crude to chemicals technology, which increases chemical yield and reduces operating costs. It follows an earlier $4 billion investment into the first phase of the petrochemical expansion completed in 2018.
Located at S-OIL’s existing site in Ulsan, the new plant is planned to have the capacity to produce up to 3.2 million tons of petrochemicals annually and include a facility to produce high-value polymers. The project is expected to start in 2023 and be completed by 2026.
The steam cracker is expected to process by-products from crude processing, including naphtha and off-gas, to produce ethylene - a building block petrochemical used to make thousands of everyday items. The plant is also expected to produce propylene, butadiene and other basic chemicals.
Amin H. Nasser
Aramco President & CEO
The global petrochemical landscape is rapidly evolving with demand growth anticipated to accelerate, driven in part by rising consumption from Asia’s emerging economies. That is why S-OIL’s Shaheen is well positioned to meet rising demand for the materials that will be required across the region’s key industries. By further integrating refining and chemical processes through the first commercialization of Aramco’s thermal crude to chemicals technology, we aim to create a more efficient, competitive and sustainable platform for growth, while paving the way for further downstream expansion.
Shaheen aspires to be a gamechanger not only for S-OIL in South Korea, but also for our global chemicals business, allowing us to process a greater range of feedstocks in a more efficient and less energy-intensive way. The project represents the first large-scale deployment of Aramco’s thermal crude to chemicals technology and shows how, through better design, we can contribute to the transition to more efficient and more sustainable production processes.
Mohammed Y. Al Qahtani
Aramco Senior Vice President of Downstream
The new steam cracker is planned to use mixed feedstocks, outperforming naphtha-based crackers in terms of overall efficiency and performance. Upon project completion, S-OIL chemical yield based on volume could almost double to 25%, which demonstrates the impact of this cutting-edge technology, complementing Aramco’s strategy to expand its liquids to chemicals capacity to up to 4 million barrels per day.
Aramco is the majority shareholder of S-OIL, holding more than 63% of the company’s shares through its Aramco Overseas Company B.V. subsidiary.