
Moldovan ambassador joins forces with The World’s Specialty| Stepping into the fertile soil of the "Kingdom of Fruits", to feel the breeze and sunshine in the culture and history of national products
This episode of The World’s Specialty will take you to the Republic of Moldova, located in the heart of the European continent. You may not be familiar with her, but that won't stop you from appreciating her beauty and tranquility: once you set foot, you'll be impressed by this pure country.
在时间的门槛里,严冬逐渐离开,春天的脚步却还停留在门外。在等待温暖回归的日子里,不妨先跟随《全球国货之光》,观光远在欧洲中心的摩尔多瓦。中国首档大型对外文化经贸交流节目《全球国货之光》由海南广播电视总台、海南省外事办公室联合主办,海南卫视2月11日19:30 精彩呈现!
On the threshold of time, the harsh winter is gradually leaving, but the footsteps of spring are still at the door. While waiting for the return of warmth, why not follow the The World’s Specialty and sightsee Moldova, far away from the center of Europe. China's first large-scale foreign cultural and economic exchange program The World’s Specialty is co-sponsored by Hainan Broadcasting Group and Hainan Foreign Affairs Office and presented by Hainan TV on February 11 at 19:30.
The people of Moldova live on the plains washed by the rivers Dniester and Prut, where the blue sky is clear and wide, the villages are romantic, the pastures are quiet and the vineyards are everywhere, every piece of land shines with vitality, every smiling face is full of happiness and enthusiasm, and every national product from Moldova is known for being natural and organic. In this episode, let's follow the Moldovan Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș into the country of nature and taste the natural and pure taste of wine, fruits, and honey.
Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș is enthusiastic about participating in the recording of the program The World’s Specialty and he hopes that the program will contribute to the deepening of the friendship between Moldova and China, "I would like to invite Chinese businessmen to consider Moldova as a real friend, a sincere partner, a safe place for investment, an attractive tourist destination and a bridge between China and Europe. "
Wines imbued with the flavor of the country's culture
Interestingly, on the map, Moldova look like a bunch of grapes. This reminds us of Moldova's national history, which is closely related to wine: it is predicted that the history of winemaking in Moldova dates back to 5000 BC, which is why Moldova is also known as the "Land of Grapes".  It is home to the world's largest wineries, wine-loving people, and many wine-related stories and cultures.
Wine has become a part of the Moldovan culture, and the first step to understanding Moldova is to learn about its unique winemaking culture. So, what is so special about Moldovan winemaking? What are the characteristics of the wines that are crafted by the best winemakers? What are the history and memories of Moldova and its grapes? Let's explore the footsteps of Moldovan wines that have shocked Europe and gone global, and experience the events and experiences to look forward to at the wine festivals, as Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș tells us!
Jam: Let the flavor of the season "travel" through time
The pure nature of Moldova provides fertile soil for growing all kinds of fruits, and grapes for wine are just one of them. What is the variety of fruits produced in Moldova? The ambassador skillfully told the audience about the variety of fruits of his country ...... Are you curious about these fruits?
In order for the flavor of the fruit to stand the test of time, the Moldovan people are keen to make jam from seasonal fruits for long-term storage. So how is traditional Moldovan jam made? And what stories did Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș share about his childhood with jam?
Honey: just to keep that "natural" taste
The abundant forests and grass vegetation of Moldova are the best home for bees and the natural brewery of honey. That is why Moldovan people admire the natural flavor of honey. Ambassador Dumitru Braghiș will be presenting the five steps of natural honey production and making honey drinks, so you will have a better understanding of sweet and mellow Moldovan honey.
In order to enjoy the natural flavors of honey when tasting it, the Moldovan people are also very particular about how they drink it, and there is a hidden trick that the locals use to keep their honey young. If you are also interested in this topic, please follow this episode of The World’s Specialty !
Thanks to the natural conditions of this magical country, the fertile soil, the right temperature, and the abundant sunshine, all these conditions make Moldovan crops grow sweetly, just like the daily life of Moldovan people, but also like the flourishing cooperation and development relations between China and Moldova. In this episode of The World’s Specialty, we will bring you not only the national products from Moldova but also the culture and friendship between China and Moldova behind the national products.