
Belarusian Ambassador join into The World’s Specialty|Illustrate "Friendship and brotherhood are greater than all wealth" between China and Belarus with the story of domestic products 
On March 2, 2023, President Alexander Lukashenko of the Republic of Belarus successfully concluded his visit to China and embarked on his homecoming route with the best wishes of the Chinese people. However, the Chinese audience's yearning and love for this gorgeous country of Belarus are more and more enthusiastic. On the stage of "The World’s Specialty", Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to China, Yuri Senko, passionately introduced to Chinese friends the special domestic products from his country.
The beauty of Belarus lies in the "beauty of fusion" that can be seen everywhere. Due to its location in Eastern Europe, Belarus serves as a bridge of cultural exchange between East and West. The reserve of the East and the heat of the West collide in this land with incredible sparks. The solemnity of classical culture and the warmth of mundane matters blend and thrive here. People who come here can hear the melodious harp from the palace, but also feel the hustle and bustle from the remote alleys.
同时,白俄罗斯充满传奇色彩的历史文化也与独一无二的自然景观共同交织,汇成了这个丰富多彩、充满魅力的国度。尤里· 先科大使带来的三样特色国货——亚麻制品、巧克力和麦片也无不与其诞生地的人文风情和自然风貌紧密相关。
At the same time, the storied history and culture of Belarus are interwoven with unique natural landscapes, making it a colorful and charming country. And Ambassador Yuri Senko brought three special domestic products - linens, chocolate and cereal are all closely related to the culture and natural scenery of the birthplace.
Flax: Small flowers with great energy
As an important flax cultivation base in Eastern Europe, Belarusian flax fiber output and exports are among the top in the world. All kinds of products made from flax are not only loved by the Belarusian people, but also carry special and profound cultural connotation. In the eyes of the Belarusian people, the whiteness of linen fabric is a pure color. A symbol of pureness among people's heart, national independence and freedom. Therefore, flax is used to decorate the national emblem of the Republic of Belarus, which shows its significance in Belarusian culture.
As an important flax cultivation base in Eastern Europe, Belarusian flax fiber output and exports are among the top in the world. All kinds of products made from flax are not only loved by the Belarusian people, but also carry special and profound cultural connotation. In the eyes of the Belarusian people, the whiteness of linen fabric is a pure color. A symbol of pureness among people's heart, national independence and freedom. Therefore, flax is used to decorate the national emblem of the Republic of Belarus, which shows its significance in Belarusian culture.
The ambassador smiled and said, "Flax flower is a magical flower. It can not only be worn, used, but also eaten. It plays a very important role in our life." The seeds of flax flowers are pressed to make linseed oil, which is not only edible, but also used as a condiment. It is highly refreshing and nutritious, so it is very popular among Belarusian consumers.
As Belarusians are used to choosing linens as an important gift, Ambassador Yuri Senko specially brought a gift made of linens to the host of the program: "Dear friends, on behalf of the Belarusian Embassy in China and myself, please allow me to express our thanks to the host for such a wonderful introduction of national products from Belarus."
Dark chocolate: 
The source of creativity
Belarusian dark chocolate is well known for its popularity not only among Chinese but also among chocolate lovers around the world. Unlike ordinary sweet chocolate, Belarusian dark chocolate has a subtle bitterness and aroma. Xu Qian, a recommendation officer, said in the program that Belarusian people love sweet food, "but eating too much sweet food is not good for our health, so we have this dark chocolate. It has a positive effect on your health, feel free to eat it!"
Not only that, Belarusian dark chocolate has many unexpected benefits. Ambassador Yuri Senko demonstrated the special drinking method of "Chocolate water" : A small piece of dark chocolate dissolved in water or tea, drink twice a day, can reduce the symptoms of sore throat.
The innovative Belarusian people have created ways to eat and use chocolate, and many interesting chocolate cultures have been born, the most representative of which is the unique chocolate house in a mall of Minsk. Everything in the 20-square-meter room, including furniture, wall paintings and kitchen utensils, is made of chocolate. According to Ambassador Yuri Senko, the house was completed in about a week by a famous sculptor using 600 kilograms of chocolate, which shows the boundless creativity of the Belarusian people in the art of chocolate.
Cereal: The accumulation of ploughing 
for decades
Another staple in Belarus is whole grain cereal. When asked why Belarusian cereals are so special, Ambassador Yuri Senko stated that Belarus is a large agricultural country with a very developed crop industry, such as wheat, rye, barley, oats and corn, so the Belarusian people use local materials, and these grains naturally become the best raw materials for making cereals.
For the convenience of Chinese consumers, the ambassador specially recommended Bumboa, a brand of whole grain cereal, which has been focused on grain processing since 1991. Its reputation accumulated over decades and has made it recognized and favored by Belarusian consumers. Bumboa has the added advantage of keeping calories as low as possible while remaining tasty and filling.
Friendship and brotherhood are greater 
than all wealth
Since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1992, relations between China and Belarus have continued to improve. The two countries have deepened exchanges in various fields and achieved increasingly fruitful results. In this programme, two recommendation officers from Belarus are the best embodiment of China-Belarus friendship and cultural exchanges. Su Xiaoxiao, who introduced linen products, and Xu Qian, who recommended dark chocolate, are both Belarusian students living in China. In the program, they introduced Chinese products to the audience in fluent Chinese, highlighting the fruits and charm of cultural exchanges between China and Belarus.
作为中白友谊的见证人,商务部欧洲司原副司长马社先生和中控国际投资集团董事局副主席刘亚非先生纷纷出席节目现场,倾情分享自己与白俄罗斯的不解之缘。“白俄罗斯朋友和我们中国人一样,都非常热情好客, 我每次去到白俄罗斯驻华大使馆,都会受到大使阁下热情的招待。我与使馆的各位外交官们不仅建立了很好的工作关系,也形成了特殊的感情。”刘亚非先生说道。
As witnesses of China-Belarus friendship, Mr. Ma She, former Deputy Director-General of the Department of European Affairs of the Ministry of Commerce and Mr. Liu Yafei, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Control International Investment Group attended the program and shared their indissoluble bond with Belarus. "Belarusian friends, like us Chinese people, are very hospitable. Every time I go to the Belarusian Embassy in China, I will be warmly received by his Excellency Ambassador. I have not only established a good working relationship with the diplomats in the embassy, but also formed a special bond with them." Mr. Liu Yafei said.
Mr. Ma She, former Deputy Director-General of the Department of European Affairs of the Ministry of Commerce, said in the program, "I have full confidence in the development of trade between China and Belarus, and I think the potential is huge and the prospect is promising. China is a enormous market and there is a huge demand for products from Belarus." In his opinion, the program "The World’s Specialty" has played a very positive role in promoting Belarusian products in China.
In response, Ambassador Yuri Senko said, "Thank you for your high comments on Belarus and Belarusian-Chinese relations. Indeed, the China-Belarus relationship is of high level and fruitful results...... We will also continue to introduce the beautiful country of Belarus to our Chinese friends and introduce China to Belarus. We will continue to deepen our friendship."
海南十分重视与白俄罗斯的交流与合作。作为海南自贸港建设的核心区,海口市已经与白俄罗斯格罗德诺市正式结为友好城市。 而尤里·先科大使也表示:“就海南自由贸易港而言,白俄罗斯共和国正积极考虑以正式成员身份在海南展示今天推介的所有产品,我们已经从海南得到了所有的必要信息,并在和相关部门进行研究。”
Hainan attaches great importance to exchanges and cooperation with Belarus. As the core area of Hainan Free Trade Port construction, Haikou has formally established a sister city with Grodno, Belarus. Ambassador Yuri Senko also indicated, "As far as the Hainan Free Trade Port is concerned, the Republic of Belarus is actively considering displaying all the products presented today in Hainan."
Not long ago, President Alexander Lukashenko of the Republic of Belarus visited China, bringing with him the friendship and best wishes of the Belarusian people. In this program, Ambassador of Belarus to China Yuri Senko, other distinguished guests and students studying in China share information, which proves that the exchanges and cooperation between the two peoples are getting closer and closer. As the Belarusian famous saying goes, "Friendship and brotherhood are greater than all wealth." The World’s Specialty sincerely hopes to use the program as a bridge, so that Belarusian products and culture can be known to more people in China. We believe that the friendly cooperation between China and Belarus will surely play an even more glorious melody.
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