
 Solid Earth
Progress in the numerical modeling of mantle plumes
Wei LENG & Hao LIU
Solid Earth
Geodynamic processes of the southeastern Neo-Tethys Ocean and the formation mechanism of the curved subduction system in Southeast Asia
Weiwei DING, Rixiang ZHU, Bo WAN, Liang ZHAO, Xiongwei NIU, Pan ZHAO, Baolu SUN & Yanghui ZHAO
Elasticity of high-pressure clinoenstatite under mantle conditions: Implications for the origin of the X-discontinuity
Jian SONG, Wangsheng QIAN, Shangqin HAO, Wenzhong WANG, Daoyuan SUN & Zhongqing Wu
New hydrous phases in the Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system under the mantle transition zone conditions
Baoyun WANG, Jin LIU, Suyu FU, Pu XIAO, Li LI, Xing DING & Wansheng XIAO
Textures, trace element compositions, and sulfur isotopes of pyrite from the Honghai volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit: Implications for ore genesis and mineral exploration
Zhiyuan SUN, Xiaohua DENG & Franco PIRAJNO
A two-step three dimensional marine magnetotelluric inversion method with considering rugged seafloor topography: Synthetic studies
Pengfei LIANG, Qingyun DI, Changmin FU, Ruo WANG, Qihui ZHEN, Zhe YUN & Jiagang ZHANG
Molecular evolution of nitrogen-containing compounds in highly mature organic matter: Implications for the hydrocarbon
generation potential
Jingkun ZHANG, Jian CAO, Wenxuan HU, Baoli XIANG, Ni ZHOU & Wanyun MA
Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of the Banquan pull-apart basin and implications for late Cenozoic dextral strike-slip movement of the Tanlu Fault Zone
Peng SHU, Xiwei XU, Shaoying FENG, Baojin LIU, Kang LI, Paul TAPPONNIER, Xiaojuan DENG, Guihua CHEN, Nuan XIA, Hongtai XU, Jingjing QIN, Fubing HE, Yan MA& Rongzhang ZHENG
Gully erosion and expansion mechanisms in loess tablelands and the scientific basis of gully consolidation and tableland protection
Zhao JIN, Jianbing PENG, Jianqi ZHUANG, Li FENG, Aidi HUO, Xingmin MU & Wenlong WANG
Earth Surface 
Food recourses of the Khog Gzung site on the Tibetan Plateau revealed by sedimentary ancient DNA
Zhengquan GU, Yu GAO, Yiru WANG, Jishuai YANG, Jingkun RAN, Xiaoyan YANG, Wangdue SHARGAN, Mikkel W. PEDERSEN, Guilian SHENG, Yucheng WANG & Fahu CHEN
Deep learning-based multi-source precipitation merging for the Tibetan Plateau
Tianyi NAN, Jie CHEN, Zhiwei DING, Wei LI & Hua CHEN
Atmosphere & Oceanography
Multi-site observation of large-scale eddies in the surface layer of the Loess Plateau 
Jinbei CHEN, Xiaowen CHEN, Wei JIA, Ye YU & Suping ZHAO
The northern boundary of the Asian summer monsoon and division of westerlies and monsoon regimes over the Tibetan Plateau in present-day
Lingxin HUANG, Jie CHEN, Kun YANG, Yujie YANG, Wei HUANG, Xu ZHANG & Fahu CHEN
Molecular characterization of organic matter transformation mediated by microorganisms under anoxic/hypoxic conditions
Shicong XIAO, Jiaxin CHEN, Yuan SHEN, Qi CHEN, Yu WANG, Yunyun LI, Chen HE, Ruanhong CAI, Quan SHI, Nianzhi JIAO & Qiang ZHENG
Determination of carbon-fixing potential of Bathyarchaeota in marine sediment by DNA stable isotope probing analysis
Wenyue LIANG, Tiantian YU, Liang DONG, Zhongjun JIA & Fengping WANG
Assessing the U37K′-sea surface temperature relationship in shallow marine waters
Mengyuan WANG, Haixian XIONG, Shouye YANG, Fengling YU, Deming KONG, Yongqiang ZONG & Zhonghui LIU
Ding et al. establish a 3D structure of the subducting plate in Southeast Asia via seismic tomography. As illustrated in the cover image, there exists a slab hole beneath the Java and a slab tear between the Neo-Tethys subducted plate and the Indo-Australian subducting plate beneath the Sumatra. For details, see the research paper by Weiwei DING et al. on pages 703–717.