Video|Shunde police use DNA technology to reunite long-separated siblings

After 80 years of separation, two siblings were reunited with the help of DNA technology provided by Shunde police. The siblings were both last when they were still children. But when they saw each other again on May 7th, they were both grey-haired with children and grandchildren of their own. Relatives from all over, including Shantou and Meizhou, came together in Guangzhou's Tianhe district to celebrate the long-awaited reunion.
The Lin family was torn apart during a time of war, and they were originally a family of nine - four daughters and three sons. In late 1943, their youngest son, just over a year old, tragically was separated from the rest of the family. And so began 80 years of separation.
The youngest son was adopted and taken to Meizhou, where he was given the name Deng Hainan. He grew up there, got married, and had two sons and a daughter. After learning that he was originally from Chenghai district in Shantou, acoastal city in Guangdong, Deng tried to find his birth family, but with limited resources, he failed to do so. His desire to reunite with his family grew stronger as he got older.
To help his father achieve his lifelong dream, Deng's second son, Deng Jingsi, contacted the Shunde police's Criminal Investigation Department on April 20th, 2023, and asked for DNA testing to be done. 
After thoroughly analysing Deng's DNA, Ma Hongsheng, a Deputy Squadron Leader of the Shunde Public Security Bureau, discovered a potential familial connection between Deng and the Lin family from Shantou.
At that time, with the help of Deng Jingsi, Ma Hongsheng contacted several search and rescue teams. With their assistance, the police conducted a thorough investigation of the Shantou region and sorted out the relevant data of the Chaoshan area, eventually locating Lin Yuzhao.
On May 2nd, Ma Hongsheng received a blood sample from Lin Yuzhao and quickly conducted a DNA test to confirm the relationship between her and Deng Hainan. After several rounds of genetic information and facial feature comparisons, Ma Hongsheng confirmed that Lin Yuzhao and Deng Hainan were indeed full siblings. The test results were conclusive and left no doubt that they were long-lost siblings who had been separated for 80 years.
Learning that her long-lost brother had been found, 85-year-old Lin Yuzhao was overcome with emotion and tears. Due to health reasons, Deng Hainan was unable to travel to Guangzhou to reunite with his sister in person, but the siblings were able to meet via a video call. Despite some mobility challenges, Lin was thrilled to see her brother on the screen. On the other end of the call, about 400 kilometers away in Meixian, Deng couldn't help but shed tears of longing.
According to reports, as early as 2016, the Shunde Public Security Bureau took the lead in establishing the Relatives Seeking Green Channel with DNA Technology in the city. By continuously improving the database of information on missing persons, and relying on strong criminal investigation techniques, they have helped 30 families reunite with their lost loved ones, and they continue to work towards bringing more families together.
马宏声在对邓海南的DNA 进行深入排查比对,发现邓海南与汕头林姓家族可能存在亲缘关系。
文、图、视频 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 欧阳志强 王泽宝 
通讯员 | 周婷
翻译 | 刘佳慧
来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 戚美青