China's First Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange Education Innovation Zone Established in Guangzhou

Recently, the China Center for International People-to-people Exchange Ministry of Education (CCIPE), Municipal Education Bureau, and Huangpu District People's Government of Guangzhou signed a cooperation agreement to jointly build the "Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange Guangzhou (Huangpu) Education Innovation Zone", which marks the establishment of the country's first one that aims to continuously expand the opening-up of education to the outside world and further promote high-quality development of international education.
Reporters learned that Guangzhou has accelerated the promotion of education cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in recent years by comprehensively improving the level of education opening-up and continuously enriching various types of international education resources, which help raise the quantity and quality of Sino-foreign cultural exchange activities. Huangpu District has a concentrated collection of international education resources, with the most schools for foreign children and the most international students in primary and secondary schools in the city.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) was approved by the Ministry of Education to be officially established and opened smoothly. There are now two schools for Hong Kong and Macao children in Guangzhou, 77 Hong Kong and Macao children's classes, 368 pairs of Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macao sister schools and kindergartens, 20 Sino-foreign cooperative education projects, 19 schools for foreign children, and 115 pairs of international sister schools.
Guangzhou has also successfully hosted activities for the second and third "Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange Little Ambassadors" group events covering choral, western instrumental music, and tennis. In addition, the Guangzhou government organized and mobilized schools at all levels and types around the city to actively participate in the cultural exchange activity themed around Hangzhou Asian Games, which has achieved positive results.
According to the agreement, the three parties will jointly carry out construction work in the fields of cultural exchange platforms, characteristic schools for cultural exchange, teacher teams, courses, internationally friendly schools, overseas exchanges, and study tours, so as to cultivate high-level international talents with a global vision. They strive to build the Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange Guangzhou (Huangpu) Education Innovation Zone into a key platform for Sino-foreign cultural exchanges in the field of education in Guangzhou.
In the next step, the CCIPE will leverage its advantages in policies, intelligence, talent, and resources related to Sino-foreign cultural exchanges, to meet the needs of Guangzhou and its Huangpu District in expanding the opening-up of education, strengthening and improving Sino-foreign cultural exchange work. They will cooperate in promoting the Education Action Plan for the Belt and Road Initiative and cultural exchanges in relevant fields, further improving the quality of education opening-up and the level of Sino-foreign cultural exchanges in the field of education in Guangzhou, especially in Huangpu District.
文、图丨羊城晚报全媒体记者 蒋隽 通讯员 程开春