
今日湖人110-125不敌国王,此役老詹出战35分18秒,15投9中,其中三分7中3,罚球8中7,砍下28分10篮板11助攻4抢断,这是詹姆斯本赛季第一个三双。成为NBA三双史上第二老(史上最老得到三双的球员是卡尔-马龙,他在2003年效力湖人时得到10分11板10助的经济型三双,当时他40岁)。赛中,美媒NBA on ESPN晒出詹姆斯三双数据和浓眉低头的照片,并发推文:尽管输掉了比赛,但勒布朗还是成为史上砍下三双第二老的球员。引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!
It’s sad he has to do this just for them to be competitive
The guy sitting next to him should be ashamed of himself
show his 6 turnovers that cost his team the game
显示他的 6 次失误让球队输掉了比赛。
Without him lakers are a winless team
It is seriously crazy what he’s able to do at his age… we should not take this for granted
Here goes the "every time LeBron gets a milestone the Lakers lose".
"每次勒布朗取得里程碑,湖人队就输球 "的说法又开始了。
MJ retired in 2003 when LeBron was about to get drafted because he got scared ���
LeBron saw the Wemby hype & decided to return for year 21!
Killer instinct
2003 年,当勒布朗即将被选中时,乔丹退役了,因为他害怕了
This why I don’t like AD, he isn’t consistent at all. No way this man had to get a triple double and he 7 plus years older then you. And you can’t even get 10 points and 10 rebounds. Stop it
这就是我不喜欢浓眉的原因,他一点都不稳定,他不可能拿到三双,而且老詹比你大7岁多,而你连10分和 10个篮板都拿不到,别说了。
I'm sure haters will be here with the stat padding comments now... Whenever Bron has a good game whether they win or lose they will say he's stat padding.. and when his teammates do well they will say he had too much help.. and when they don't do well they will say he doesn't make his teammates better.. hater narratives never change
The storyline here shouldn't be about LeBron and his triple double, it should be that the Kings won, with 3 players going over 25/4/5...
这里的故事情节不应该是勒布朗和他的三双,而应该是国王队赢了,3 名球员打出25+4+5的数据。
Bron tried to keep them in the game but Sabonas just killed Davis the whole game in the paint.
I wouldn't be shock if it was philly or Boston or wolves good defense team really to held AD to single digits like that crazy frfr
Congratulations LeBron I don't know why ad is sitting there with his head down Anthony Davis should be at the end of the bench actually Anthony Davis should be in the locker room after the Davis is playing sorry but I guarantee you he'll do Good Friday against Portland Davis is so inconsistent that's why the Lakers are not winning the championship because of Anthony Davis all that money and Davis scores how many points against the games 60 something million dollars a year
恭喜勒布朗 我不知道为什么广告坐在那里低着头,浓眉应该坐在替补席的最后面 实际上安东尼-戴维斯应该在打完球之后在更衣室里道歉, 但我向你保证他会在周五对阵波特兰的比赛中表现出色 戴维斯太不稳定了 这就是为什么湖人队没有赢得总冠军,因为安东尼-戴维斯花光了所有的钱,戴维斯6000 万美元的年薪,他在比赛中得了多少分?
Bron done he’s part , people been asking D’Angelo to step up & he has , this is all on Anthony Davis , unpredictable as usual
Honestly, your haters admire you, but because they are haters, they keep it to themselves instead of expressing their admiration for you.
Again. we are witnessing NBA History regarding the GOAT King LeBron James. This is a Legacy that may never be surpassed or repeated and surely will stand for decades to come. I am savoring the greatness of this historic NBA Legend while I can because I know that one day it will come to an end.
我们再次见证了 NBA 历史上最伟大的球王勒布朗-詹姆斯。这是一个可能永远不会被超越或重演的传奇,而且肯定会在未来几十年屹立不倒,我正在尽我所能地回味这位 NBA 历史传奇的伟大,因为我知道,总有一天它会结束。
Haters are afraid to acknowledge the greatness of LeBron. Their heart says Bron is great but but mind says no i hate bron.
The Kings play too fast for the Lakers to keep up. They are one of the fastest teams in the league, while the Lakers are one of the slowest teams.
Ad is depending on a 39 year old to carry the team this loss is on him he don’t deserve any happiness in life
浓眉依靠一个 39 岁的老将带队,这场失利是他的责任,他不配拥有幸福的人生。
Meanwhile you got a guy next to him that’s a decade younger and is supposed to be a superstar and help him
Look at Mr 9 pts sitting there exhausted