牛背梁 多样的五月景

本期,请跟随我们的脚步和镜头,去欣赏专业登山者视角下,牛背梁“多样”的五月景。 In this issue, follow our footsteps and lens to appreciate the diverse May scenery of Niubeiliang, from the perspective of professional mountaineers.
The National Nature Reserve of Niubeiliang is located in the eastern part of the Qinling Mountains, at the junction of Chang'an in Xi'an, Zhashui in Shangluo, and Ningshan in Ankang. With a total area of 16,520 hectares, it serves as a crucial water conservation area for Xi'an and southern Shaanxi, focusing on the protection of the national first-class protected animal, the takin, and its habitat. It is the only national-level nature reserve in China dedicated primarily to the conservation of forests and wildlife habitats of the takin, a national first-class protected animal.
Located at an altitude of 2802 meters, this area is the highest peak in the eastern part of the Qinling Mountains. The terrain here is gentle to the north and steep to the south, creating a distinct contrast with the "gentle to the south, steep to the north" characteristic of the central and western parts of the Qinling Mountains. In terms of climate, being in the warm temperate zone with a semi-humid monsoon climate and significant vertical differences in mountain climate, the average annual temperature here ranges from 2 to 10°C, with annual precipitation of 850-950 millimeters and a frost-free period of about 130 days. Summers are cool and humid, while winters are cold and dry.
Tourists visiting Niuboliang can enter in multiple ways, but generally categorized into four main types: walking from the scenic area, taking a cable car, and enjoying the scenery in the area; arriving from the scenic area by cable car, exploring the undeveloped area after viewing the main area; trekking from the Qin-Chu Ancient Road area to Niuboliang's undeveloped sec-tion, passing through the Niubo-liang scenic area, continuing through undeveloped areas,or tak-ing a cable car back to the scenic ar-ea;crossing from the Qin-Chu An-cient Road to Niuboliang, enjoying the beautiful scenery,and then re-turning.
Every year,tourists who travel to the landmark at an altitude of 2802 meters in Niubeiliang for sightseeing are most numerous insummer,mainly because of the long daytime hours, providing enough time to return without walking atnight. Additionally, in mid-May,the large wild azalea flowers in full bloom on Niubeiliang attract out-door enthusiasts.
The joumalists of Huashang Bao Da Feng News arrived at Niubeiliang from different starting points three times on May 10, 2015, May 22. 2023 , and May 16, 2024, respective-ly. However, the weather was not ideal on all three occasions. Before the first departure, it was a fine day. Taking the cable car and hiking to Nantianmen, they encountered a sudden stom with pouring rain that instantly Shrouded the mountain peaks in a sea of clouds. The travel-ers had to crawl forward, as stand- ing uprig ht would result in being olown down to the ground. Similar-ly, on the second visit, it appeared to be a Clear day, but upon arrival the temperature dropped, and snow fell, creating a fairyland scene where blooming azaleas were frozen in ice Fhe group also got separated for several hours due to mist and clouds on the mountaintop. On the third vis-it, despite initially clear skies, as they reached the 2802 landmark dark clouds gathered, and the weather became overcast. 华商报大风新闻记者 李杰/图 王煜鑫/文 实习生 常媛/译
The prominent height of Niubeiliang landmark symbolizes its position in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains.
Every mid-May, the Rhododendrons bloom on the high mountains of Niubeiliang.
After the rain, clouds encircle the hills around Niubeiliang, creating a mystical atmosphere.
At an altitude of over 2000 meters on Niubeiliang, mules and horses are used to transport essential supplies.
A fashionable lady admiring the mountain rhododendrons on the back of a yak.
In mid-May, there was a sudden drop in temperature with snowfall. The rhododendrons were encased in ice, creating a rare sight that is rarely seen at the foot of the mountain.
The area of Niubeiliang also features numerous waterfalls of various sizes.