【双语】你好!中国 | 你好,熊猫福宝的特写来啦!

After more than two months of quarantine and transitional adaptation, on June 12th, the giant panda "Fubao" made its official public debut at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the Panda Center. It has been reported that "Fubao" has been adapting well overall and is gradually integrating into the giant panda community.
When the small door leading to the outdoor exercise area was opened, "Fubao" slowly walked out from its inner enclosure. It curiously looked around and sniffed its new yard, and after exploring the area, it accurately found the food placed in the exercise area. Fubao then leisurely enjoyed the delicacies of bamboo shoots, bamboo, and carrots.
Chinese giant pandas "Aibao" and "Lebao" began their 15-year journey to South Korea in March 2016 and gave birth to "Fubao" on July 20, 2020. "Fubao" is the first giant panda born in South Korea. According to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), pandas born overseas must be returned to China before reaching the mating age of four years. To fulfill the wishes of the many fans who love "Fubao", the Panda Center also conducted an online live broadcast through its official Weibo platform, allowing everyone to have a "cloud meeting" with "Fubao".