【双语】你好!中国 | 在北京花得最值得两元,登顶俯瞰故宫!

With the increasing popularity of the 144-hour visa-free policy, more and more foreign friends are visiting China this summer.
If you travel to Beijing, there's one spot where you can spend just 2 yuan to get the best view: Jingshan Park!
Jingshan Park is located on Beijing's central axis, adjacent to Beihai on the west and separated from the Shenwu Gate of the Forbidden City by just a street to the south! The hill in the park was formed from the soil excavated to build the moat and served as an imperial garden during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Nowadays, this is an excellent spot for many photography enthusiasts, and the top of the hill is often filled with photographers capturing the beautiful scenery with their cameras. 
At Jingshan Park, you can see various views of Beijing from the top of the hill. Not only can you get a panoramic view of the Forbidden City, but you can also see the CBD, the Drum Tower, Beihai Park's White Pagoda, and more...