延续治愈奇迹,“下一个柏林患者”报告者Christian Gaebler教授专访丨AIDS 2024

编者按:在刚刚结束的第25届国际艾滋病大会(AIDS2024)上,作为大会重磅临床研究进展,德国柏林夏里特大学Christian Gaebler教授报告了继全球首例HIV治愈的“柏林患者”之后,第七位获得治愈的“下一个柏林患者”。这位患者并未遵循传统路径,通过纯合子CCR5 Δ32/Δ32的干细胞移植实现治愈,而是在接受杂合子CCR5 WT/Δ32干细胞移植后,神奇地实现了超过五年无抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)的HIV持续缓解。《感染医线》特邀请Christian Gaebler教授进行了深度访谈,阐述这一前所未有的成功病例背后的重大意义。
Gaebler教授:在我们的病例中,最大的不同之处在于,“下一个柏林患者”并未接受纯合子CCR5 Δ32/Δ32的移植,而是接受了来自供体的杂合子CCR5 WT/Δ32的移植。既往的研究显示,只有携带纯合子CCR5 Δ32/Δ32基因突变者能阻止HIV入侵靶细胞,杂合子突变只能降低和延缓疾病进展。然而,在此病例中,该患者决定停止服用抗逆转录病毒药物,并且在接受异基因干细胞移植大约三年后,我们对他进行了近六年的随访,发现这期间他均未服用抗逆转录病毒药物,这一结果让我们感到非常惊讶。
IIDF: Professor Gaebler, how does the "next Berlin patient" case you will discuss in your report differ or represent an advancement compared to the historical Berlin patient case?
Dr Gaebler: The biggest difference in our case is really that the next Berlin patient did not receive a homozygous delta-32 CCR5 transplant, but in this case had a donor, a heterozygous wild-type delta-32 transplant, and this was historically not believed to result in long-term remission. However, in this case, the patient decided to stop taking the antiretroviral therapy, and roughly three years after his allogeneic stem cell transplantation, we are now seeing a follow-up of close to six years without antiretroviral therapy, which was very surprising to us.
《感染医线》:在您的研究中,接受CCR5 WT/Δ32杂合子供体造血干细胞移植后,患者实现超过五年无抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)的HIV持续缓解,这一成果背后的核心免疫学机制是什么?
IIDF: What are the key immunological mechanisms underpinning the achievement of sustained HIV remission for over five years without antiretroviral therapy (ART) in patients who received CCR5 WT/Δ32 heterozygous allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, as described in your research?
Dr Gaebler: This is really a very big question. First of all, we can say that right now, his HIV remission is not a result of immunological control. We are not seeing specific immune responses that would lead to control. The bigger question is where we need to look at immunological mechanisms in terms of the time after allogeneic stem cell transplantation to allow the depletion, or even potential eradication, of the HIV reservoir. We are still working on really understanding these mechanisms of how the donor’s immune system was able to deplete and have a meaningful impact on the HIV reservoir in the patient. That is the main question, and one we are still studying.
IIDF: Do you believe this treatment approach has the potential to become a viable path towards functional cure for HIV in the future? What are the primary challenges and obstacles that need to be overcome?
Dr Gaebler: I think this is really important because it really shifts our focus again on the HIV reservoir. This, again, is the biggest challenge. So what we need to do is really understand these mechanisms. If we can understand what was special in the donor immune system that led to these meaningful reductions in the HIV reservoir, this is something we could plan to emulate with other therapies. And I think this can really be done. Once we learn about it, one can think of other regimens - immunotherapies, antibody-specific and antibody-based immune therapies, and also therapeutic vaccinations - that can help us achieve some of the outcomes we have seen with stem cell transplantation.
IIDF: How have patient's quality of life and safety been ensured during this period of prolonged HIV remission? Are there any long-term side effects or risks to consider?
Dr Gaebler: When we compare our case to previous cure cases, I think we can say that the stem cell transplantation itself was really successful and without a lot of adverse effects, even less than we had seen in other cases. However, stem cell transplantations are extremely intense treatments with high morbidity and mortality, so it is not a given that if this were to be repeated it would repeat itself in other patients. In our case, the procedure went well and has been in remission up til now, and on top that, we are seeing his cancer remission.
IIDF: In your opinion, what are the unexplored areas or emerging technologies that deserve attention for future research on HIV cure strategies?
Dr Gaebler: Again, it comes back to the HIV reservoir. We need to, first of all, have better tools to study the HIV reservoir. If we want to change something, first we have to be able to measure it, so we need HIV reservoir measurement tools. Then we need to find out out how to modulate the HIV reservoir, be it small molecules, be it immunotherapies, be it immunological mechanisms through, for example, therapeutic vaccination. These are the key questions we need to work on.
3、“纽约患者”:她在2017年接受了全球首例脐带血干细胞移植并达到HIV缓解,2022 年初次披露,2023年《细胞》发文确认。她也是截至目前唯一一名混血女性HIV治愈患者,这意味着,HCT治疗或能为不同性别、种族者提供治愈思路。
5、“希望之城患者”:68岁,1988年确诊HIV感染,2019年2月他在希望之城医疗中心接受了CCR5Δ32/Δ32造血干细胞移植,移植后,外周血和肠道HIV DNA也检测不到。2022年首度披露,2024年《新英格兰医学杂志》发文确认,但文中仍采用“长期缓解”表达。他是治愈或缓解病例中,年龄最长、感染时间最久的。
6、“日内瓦患者”:1990年确诊HIV感染的患者,在2018年因为白血病,在日内瓦大学医院接受了CCR5造血干细胞移植,也就是移植后的造血干细胞所分化的CD4细胞不能抵抗HIV R5嗜性病毒感染,之后病毒一直没有反弹。2023 年在IAS 艾滋病毒科学会议上报道。