
编者按:在全球抗击艾滋病的征途上,HIV疫苗的研发始终是人们关注的焦点。近期,国际艾滋病疫苗行动组织(IAVI)副主席Devin Sok教授在AIDS2024大会上,接受了《感染医线》专访,深入剖析了当前HIV疫苗研发的最新进展与未来展望。Sok教授指出,尽管我们在疫苗研发领域已取得不少成就,但仍处于非常早期阶段,面临着疾病复杂性、人体免疫系统差异性及资源限制等多重挑战。当前研究集中于I期临床试验,评估疫苗安全性与免疫反应。初步数据显示积极效果,但需更多验证。科学家们正不懈努力,未来5-10年或见证新突破。
IIDF: Professor Sok, how would you assess the current progress in HIV vaccine development? Are we nearing the realization of an effective and widely available HIV vaccine?
Dr Sok: Yes, that’s a great question. I think realistically we are actually at the very early stages of a vaccine. As you probably know, most of the recent efficacy trials have not shown protective efficacy. It takes a long time to go from a laboratory concept to an efficacy trial. Right now, we are at the phase I clinical trial stage of HIV vaccine research, but I do think there are going to be a lot of opportunities to accelerate. We have a lot of tools, a lot of resources and a lot of good ideas that we are now testing in clinical trials, and I think the pace that we are going to get to proof-of-concept, and the pace that we are going to get to the next efficacy trial is going to be within the next 5-10 years.
IIDF: What are the key challenges that have hindered the progress of HIV vaccine research in your view? How can we overcome these challenges?
Dr Sok: There are a number of challenges over the last several decades. A lot of them I think we have now overcome, and I think that has been evidenced through the development of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, As an example of that, it took 28 years from the identification of the HIV sequence to the discovery of the structure of what HIV looked like. It took six months for SARS-CoV-2. That accelerated timeline for SARS-CoV-2 was thanks to the HIV space. I think a lot of those challenges we are now overcoming. I think the current bottleneck is resources - nowhere to move quickly, needing a lot more money to do more testing, produce more mutagens, and test them in more people to analyze those results. Those are usually the biggest barriers to acceleration.
IIDF: What recent breakthroughs in research have given you new hope or direction for the future development of HIV vaccines?
Dr Sok: I think there is a lot of really exciting data that is coming out right now that I hope I presented clearly in the Plenary today. There is a lot of really exciting data coming out of the preclinical space. Very rarely in science do you have an hypothesis, you test the hypothesis, and it actually works. The vast majority of the time, it never works. But now we are actually seeing ideas that we have had over the past several years, where we are immunizing animal models (macaques) and people, and what we were expecting to see from those vaccination studies, we are in fact seeing. I think it is a really exciting time for all of our scientific ideas actually becoming reality.
IIDF: In the development of HIV vaccines, do we need to consider the specific needs of different populations (e.g., children, the elderly, high-risk groups)? How can we ensure the effectiveness of vaccines across these populations?
Dr Sok: That’s a great question. I think it is a really important and interesting question. Because these are phase I trials that we are doing right now, the vast majority of trials are being done in adults. I think the first area for us to diversify with the current work is that most of the trials are being done in the United States. Now we are also doing trials in sub-Saharan Africa and other regions of the world, so we can see whether the responses we are getting across those trials are comparable. IAVI G002 is being done in the United States. IAVI G003 is being done in Rwanda and South Africa. And we have results from those trials now. I think it is going to be really interesting once we reach a stage where we can test other populations. There are some data that children and adolescents could develop better responses, more rapid responses, than adults. If that is true, that can actually help accelerate vaccine research. That is another area of work people are focused on.
IIDF: Looking ahead, how do you envision HIV vaccine research being integrated with existing HIV prevention and treatment strategies to more effectively control the spread of HIV?
Dr Sok: That’s a great question. I think there is a lot of recognition of the diversity of the population that could benefit from HIV prevention and treatment services. An HIV vaccine has a very specific or different target profile. It should be able to protect for a long duration. You would need to go into the clinic for hopefully three shots to a maximum of five shots, and then you are done. For some individuals who can’t go to the clinic every six months for an injection, or for some individuals who have busy lives, or have other circumstances, an HIV vaccine could really benefit them. That is where having a lot of these different prevention options that can be tailored to how people live their normal lives is going to be really beneficial.