
编者按:HIV的早期发现与早期治疗在艾滋病防控中占据着至关重要的地位。一个不容忽视的战场正逐渐显现其重要性——急性期HIV感染(acute HIV infection,AHI)的及时检测。AHI是指从HIV病毒进入人体到抗体可检测出来之前的阶段,通常发生在感染后的几周到几个月内。在此期间,病毒在体内迅速复制,导致病毒载量急剧上升,感染者体内病毒浓度达到高峰。因此,AHI感染者是HIV传播的主要风险群体,更是控制HIV传播的关键所在。在第25届国际艾滋病大会(AIDS2024)上,《感染医线》特邀请南非约翰内斯堡奥勒姆研究所Eduard Sanders教授与雅培科学与临床事务部高级医学总监Hugo Xi博士对话,深入探讨了AHI检测的战略意义及紧迫性,强调了创新第四代快速HIV筛查测试在识别高传染性感染者方面的巨大潜力。面对高昂的检测成本、数据有限及假阳性等挑战,他们呼吁提高公众对AHI的认知,并倡导通过政策调整和技术进步,让更多人受益于这一关键性检测。
Eduard Sanders
Hugo Xi
IIDF: What is the strategic significance of timely detection of acute HIV infection in curbing the spread of the HIV epidemic? Why do experts stress the urgency of its detection?
Dr Sanders: New infections go down, which is the good news at this conference, but they don’t go down fast enough. If you look at the trend where infections are still not reaching target and you want to have much fewer infections, you need to do something differently. In doing something differently, we think about the early testing. What do we miss, or potentially miss? When somebody gets HIV, you can detect it seven days following acquisition. Two weeks following acquisition, and within three weeks, virus load is really high. People who do not know that at that moment are highly infectious, so the risk has changed, their viral load is high, and they can contribute to a number of ongoing infections if they are not tested. Would you agree, Dr Xi?
Dr Xi: That is absolutely right. I think on the question of why is it important, if you look at new infections being low and getting lower, then why are cases still consistent? The cause of this is acute HIV infection, or AHI, as you call it, which is contributing 50-60% of new infections. If we want to control new infections, we have to deal with what matters. And what matters most is AHI in a population, because of their high virus load, and because of their sexual behavior.
Hugo Xi
Eduard Sanders
IIDF: Please elaborate on the advantages and new possibilities offered by the fourth-generation rapid HIV screening test compared to previous testing methods, especially in the case-finding of highly infectious acute HIV individuals.
Dr Xi: Yes, I can take it first on this one. I can answer this question probably in three ways. Why does the new fourth-generation matter? First of all, the fourth generation has the traditional circulating antibody in it, so we are not losing anything, everything we gain is on top of that. So we still have the best performing third-generation embedded in the fourth-generation. The next is, for the antigen component, we will identify new patients. New patients come in as two groups. One of those is patients who are both antigen- and antibody-positive, and the fourth-generation detect antigen and antibody. For that population, from our data, and we have seen from Spain and Kenya today, who are both antigen- and antibody-positive, they are 100% confirmed as positive. That is the benefit for the patient of a confirmed result. The second group is that you identify patients who only have antigen. As Professor Sanders mentioned earlier, that fits into the 2-3 week timeframe, when we can identify new patients. Those are three benefits I can think of.
Dr Sanders: I can add onto that. If you look at the dynamics of HIV acquisition and two weeks later being able to detect the p24 antigen. That is only for a brief period. But what is interesting is that that is the period people often seek healthcare for symptoms - a sore throat, muscle pain, fever. They think they have a flu. Some others may think they have malaria. If the fourth-generation test can be offered rather than the third-generation test, we can detect an acute infection. That is why we want to have this change in thinking about when we can diagnose acute HIV.
Eduard Sanders
Hugo Xi
IIDF: What are the primary challenges currently faced in advancing acute HIV testing to halt onward transmission, improve HIV patient outcomes, and increase the economic efficiency of HIV programs?
Dr Sanders: I think one of the challenges is that, in healthcare, we often want the Rolls Royce, and the Rolls Royce is a very expensive test that is laboratory-based, and is not accessible for a large number of people. The hesitation to not promote the fourth-generation test is perhaps based on that the data are limited, that there are false positives, and the need for confirmatory tests if someone is testing positive. Changing behavior is always difficult. Changing the thinking of policymakers is even more difficult. That is what we hope to do, isn’t it?
Dr Xi: Absolutely right. I think everything comes down to this. How much are people aware of acute HIV? In an earlier session today, Professor Sanders mentioned that for the first time ever, the new HIV Guidelines have AHI, acute HIV infection, mentioned twelve times. This was not happening before. We are getting there. Professor Sanders, you mentioned that we still don’t have a guideline on AHI itself. We are moving toward that goal, but it is about awareness. As Professor Sanders said, the solution revolves around a Rolls Royce test versus a point of care test that gives people some result that  can be acted upon with follow-up testing and so on.
Hugo Xi
Eduard Sanders
IIDF: What are the highlights of this Congress for you? Is there some research or poster that has triggered your interest?
Dr Xi: My personal impression is that long-term PrEP has generated a lot of awareness and a lot of interest. I think that is a great thing. That comes with affordability and accessibility, and comes with long-term outcomes. And there’s how to put people on long-term PrEP, the testing, diagnosis and how we monitor it. It is a whole thing. I think it is a very exciting period. For HIV patients, in 40 years, we have come a long way. I am even more excited today than in any time. We have the technology. We have the will. With everybody working together, we will have fantastic results.
Dr Sanders: I am always mindful when I am here where is so much energy and optimism, that we can achieve those goals. When you listen to the people talk and look at the data, you see that HIV is moving into key populations - people who are disadvantaged, people from poor backgrounds - that are harder to reach. There is a lot of work that still has to be done. That is why we get re-energized at conferences like this. You get new plans. But in reality, we still have to do a lot of work.