Let’s Meet |巴黎奥运会上的“重庆面孔”

由西部国际传播中心打造的重庆首档国际传播融媒栏目《Let’s  Meet》第26期节目于8月7日在重庆卫视播出。
The first all-English international broadcast program in Chongqing, the 26th episode of "Let's Meet," produced by the Western China International Communication Organization, will be aired on Chongqing Satellite TV on August 7.
Cross-Border E-Commerce Brings Opportunities to Inland Cities
In the wave of globalization, Chongqing is using cross-border e-commerce platforms to export products overseas. This is a great opportunity for Chongqing because geographic location greatly influences foreign trade. However, with the emergence of cross-border e-commerce, Chongqing's inland location is no longer a limitation but rather a bridge connecting the world. In today's Bridging News, let's take a look at how cross-border e-commerce brings new opportunities to the inland city of Chongqing.
Interview with the Director of the Research Institute for AIoT at HKPU
The integration of smart cities, AI, and IoT technologies is reshaping our lives, leading us towards a smarter and more promising future. In today’s Dialogue, we are fortunate to have invited Professor Cao Jiannong, the director of the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Things at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He will explain the latest trends in IoT and AI technologies and analyze the great potential of Chongqing in the field of intelligent connected new energy vehicles. 
The Sacramento Kings Hold a Cultural Exchange Event in Chongqing
Recently, the Sacramento Kings from the NBA came to Chongqing and played a special friendly game with hearing-impaired youths in Chongqing. This is a warm and loving event. Although these youths cannot hear, they can communicate with each other through basketball. Basketball can be said to be a language that transcends borders. Let's take a look at this special basketball game in today’s iChongqing.
Badminton Star Pi Hongyan: Promoting Sino-French Exchange Through Sports
The 2024 Olympics Games are taking place in Paris, France. At this global event of sports and cultural exchange, there is a notable figure from Chongqing, badminton star Pi Hongyan, who was born in Wansheng, Chongqing. In today's "Faces of Chongqing," let's go to the Paris Olympics and learn about her story.
美国博主Bert Digs寻找最地道的重庆小吃
American Vlogger Bert Digs Searches for the Most Authentic Chongqing Snacks
今天的《海外大V看重庆》,我们将跟随美国博主Bert Digs的脚步,来到热闹繁华的好吃街,一同寻找那些让人垂涎欲滴的重庆小吃。究竟Bert Digs能不能在繁多品种的小吃街上找到真正地道的重庆小吃呢?一起来看看吧。
In today's Vloggers in Chongqing, we will follow American vlogger Bert Digs to the bustling and lively Haochi Street to find delicious Chongqing snacks. We will find out if Bert Digs can find truly authentic Chongqing snacks among the many varieties on the street of Chongqing.
《Let’s  Meet》每周三、周六18点,在重庆卫视首播,并在Let's Meet官方视频号、Bridging News陆海财经客户端、第1眼新闻客户端、iChongqing网站,及Youtube频道、西部国传全球传播矩阵平台、卫视新媒体矩阵同步发布。
"Let's Meet" airs every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 PM on Chongqing Satellite TV. It is also simultaneously released on the Let's Meet official WeChat Channels, Bridging News app, iChongqing website and YouTube channel, WCICO's global communication matrix platform, and Chongqing Satellite TV's new media matrix.