
编者按:HIV疫苗研发领域,美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院Ian Frank教授正引领一场先锋性试验。Frank教授及其团队通过创新的多价疫苗设计,旨在应对HIV的高度变异性,为全球HIV预防工作带来新希望。他们采用先接种多价DNA疫苗、后接种多价蛋白疫苗的策略,确保疫苗序列的一致性,从而优化免疫系统的响应。这一策略不仅展示了广泛的适用性,还可能在诱导长期免疫记忆方面表现出色。随着研究的深入,Frank教授团队正努力筹集资金,以支持更大规模、更多样化人群的研究,为全球HIV预防战略贡献重要力量。
《感染医线》:在您的研究中,匹配Env免疫原作为初次接种-加强接种方案(prime-boost regimen)或联合给药时,对疫苗诱导的免疫反应有何不同影响?哪种方案看起来更有效?
IIDF: How did the use of matched Env immunogens as a prime-boost regimen or co-administered impact the vaccine-induced immune responses in your study? Which approach appeared more effective?
Dr Frank: This is one of the very fundamental issues involving our study. What we did in our vaccine study is that we started by giving patients a polyvalent DNA vaccine followed by a polyvalent protein vaccine in which the proteins were identically matched to the sequences elicited by the DNA. That differs from the approaches that have been taken previously with vaccines, where they used mismatched sequences (with respect to the protein or the DNA or the viral vaccine priming). We think the immunization results that we saw validate this polyvalent approach, because we are giving people exposure to diverse sequences, and we are allowing the immune system to develop a polyvalent antibody response from the very beginning of exposure.
We had no significant safety issues. We saw patients develop reactogenicity responses, some pain, and some swelling at the site of the immunization, but no significant general effects.
IIDF: Given the high variability of HIV, how did your polyvalent vaccine design ensure effective coverage against multiple HIV subtypes? Does this imply a broader applicability of the vaccine?
Dr Frank: It is the polyvalent nature of the vaccine that leads to the generation of a multiclade immune response. So again, we are allowing the immune system to be exposed to the diversity of HIV envelope sequences that exist globally, rather than starting out with limited exposure. We think we are priming the immune response to react to very diverse envelope sequences, again, right from the very beginning.
IIDF: What was the duration of the immune responses induced by the vaccine in your study? How significant is this for the development of an HIV preventive vaccine?
Dr Frank: We don’t have an answer to that question yet unfortunately. Obviously, the durability of a vaccine is going to be essential, and we are just now starting to look at participants six months after their last immunogenicity time point. We hope to have that data soon, but we don’t have it right now. Obviously, a very important question.
IIDF: How do you plan to further advance this research in the future? Are there plans for larger-scale clinical trials, or exploring combination use with other therapies (such as pre-exposure prophylaxis drugs)?
Dr Frank: We are trying to get some funding to support a larger study in more diverse populations. We hope to do a study in South Africa. We also hope to do another study in the United States, or possibly, South America. It is important for folks to understand that a vaccine and PrEP are two totally different strategies to prevent HIV acquisition. They are not mutually exclusive. It is not one or the other. Many people who are at risk for acquiring HIV infection are not yet ready to seek medical care. PrEP is medical care. A vaccine is a more traditional preventative strategy, and hopefully, if an immune response is long-lasting, people don’t need to seek regular healthcare as they will be protected by the vaccine. Maybe a vaccine will not be as effective as biologic PrEP, but people at different times in their lives are better able to access different types of strategies. So we think that a vaccine is complementary to PrEP, but PrEP will not protect everybody. We know that PrEP right now is virtually 100% protective. What we have now is almost 100% protective, but in the United States, where the resources are available to provide PrEP to everybody, the estimates are that <40% of people who should be on PrEP are on PrEP. We need other interventions, and I think a vaccine is an important part of the strategy to prevent HIV globally.