自青春期起,孩子们会出现所谓的“睡眠相位后移”(delayed sleep phase),这意味着他们会睡得更晚,起得也更晚。这个年龄也正是需要充足睡眠的时候,每晚大约得睡 9 小时 15 分钟。
研究人员评估了 201 名美国某高中学生的情况,这些学生的学校将上学时间从 8 点推迟到了 8 点半……[查看全文]
Later School Start Time Leads to Better Students
Teachers get exasperated at students—they don’t pay attention, they’re sleepy, they have bad attitudes. But improvement could be a matter of timing—just start school later. That’s according to a study in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
Beginning at adolescence, kids have what’s called a delayed sleep phase, where they start sleep later and sleep later in the morning. And they need plenty—about nine-and-a-quarter hours a night.
The researchers evaluated 201 Rhode Island high school students whose school pushed back its start time from 8 to 8:30...[full transcript]
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