Heroes come from the people:Boy Once Piggy-backed Up the Mountain by His Teachers Enrolls in College



Boy Once Piggy-backed Up the Mountain by His Teachers Enrolls in College

老师背着小杰登顶 Teacher carried Xiao Jie to the summit

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楚天都市报极目新闻记者 张渊

通讯员 宋格璇 陈依

Jimu News Reporter: Zhang Yuan

Correspondents:Song Gexuan, Chen Yi

翻译:何文蕊 胡淇 刘桂兰(湖北大学)

Translated by He Wenrui, Hu Qi, Liu Guilan(Hubei University)


On September 8, Song Mengjie (herein: Xiaojie), a student from Huangshi, Hubei Province, was looking forward to the first day of his freshman year at Hubei University of Chinese Medicine.


Due to congenital spinal stenosis, Xiaojie has been unable to stand on his legs since childhood and has relied on a wheelchair for mobility. His dream of studying traditional Chinese medicine began during his first year of high school, and today, he finally made it to university, having been accepted into the Traditional Chinese Medicine program. He said, “I want to live an exciting and meaningful life, and I will work hard for it. This is something I’m also doing for the people who have helped me!”


“Outstanding Teachers of Jingchu” Once Piggy-backed Him to the Summit


In 2006, Xiaojie was born in Guohe, a mountainous area in Wangying Town, Yangxin County, Huangshi City, Hubei Province, and a place known as the “Gateway of Jingchu”.Beyond this area lies the mountainous region of Xianning.


“There are so many people I owe gratitude for getting him to this point,” Xiaojie’s mother recalled emotionally. Since childhood, her child Xiaojie was bound to a wheelchair. To make ends meet, she had to work away from home, while Xiaojie’s father was responsible for taking him to school. By the age of 16, Xiaojie had never once leftthe mountains-- until unforgettable teachers visited their home.


Those unforgettable teachers mentioned by Xiaojie’s mother, were members of the “Yangxin County Teacher Growth Community”, and recipients of the “Outstanding Teachers of Jingchu” award in 2023. The team, comprised of more than 130 excellent teachers from more than 40 schools in Yangxin County, is based in mountainous villages where they volunteer as educators. In 2022, when Wu Lushan, the creator of the team, and Ke Lin, an exemplar teacher with many accolades, led the team to Xiaojie’s home, upon their mentioning the world beyond the county, Xiaojie peered through the door, his eyes brimming with hope.


The teachers expressed they wished Xiaojie could spend his vacations, like other kids of his age, exploring scenic spots like the local 4A level sky city that is constructed atop themountain at the Yangxin Xiandao Lake. For Xiaojie’s father, the teachers’ comments tagged on his heartstrings.


On their way to Xiandao Lake, Xiaojie was so thrilled he chatted up his teachers the entire trip. When the car drove halfway up the hill and could not go any further, the teachers took turns carrying Xiaojie on their backs up the hill.


Wu Lushan, a teacher, said: “The mountain is very steep and Xiaojie is very heavy, so piggy-backing him was challenging. But knowing that we get to support him on his journey is incredibly motivating for all of us.” On that day, once the teachers made it to the summit with Xiaojie, they waved to the world ready for what the future held.


In addition, the teachers also helped Xiaojie with his studies.Since Xiaojie struggled in English, severalEnglish teachers from the team tutored him together and offered him extracurricular English books.


Xiaojie commented: “It’s all thanks to those teachers who gave me my first glimpse of the outside world. From now moving on, I’ll have to work hard to create my own memorable experiences.”


Determined to Study Chinese Medicine to Help Others


Xiaojie attended high school at Yangxin County Yingcai Middle School. “During his three years of high school, he had to work twice as hard, both in life or at school, compared to other students,” the school head mentioned, “but he was not only cheerful, hardworking and thoughtful, he also maintained good scores and was a great model to fellow students.”


Thanks to his exceptional performance during the College Entrance Examination earlier this year,Xiaojie was admitted as a Chinese Medicine major at Hubei University of Chinese Medicine. He recalled, as for why he filled out his major of choice without hesitation, it all began in his first-year in senior high, when professors of Chinese Medicine visiting his school delivered a lecture. “This was my first experience with acupuncture, massage, moxibustion, and other traditional treatments. In that moment, I knew that Chinese Medicine was something I wanted to pursue!”


At the end of the interview, Xiaojie was chatting with his seniors: “I want to sit for the postgraduate entrance exams in the future and give it my all in my studies. I hope to use Chinese Medicine to live life to the fullest, and just like those who once helped me, bring hope and joy to more people.”

