Experience Sichuan Opera丨国际学生感受川剧魅力

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Recently, several international students from

Eastern China Normal University followed an opera tutor to breathe in the life of Sichuan Opera.

Sichuan Opera is one of the traditional opera genres in China and was listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritages in 2006.

The students learned Sichuan Opera very seriously and in a short time, they could perform a few simple actions.

Christine Chen said, "I am from Indonesia. I learned Sichuan Opera today. We also learned how to use fans to dance and how to properly use it to show someone to take a seat. I think everything has been pretty enjoyable."

Iris thought that it was so interesting to sing and perform Sichuan Opera.

They also practiced how to do Sichuan finger dancing to represent the sun and moon. Then their tutor taught them to sing the Moon over the Eyebrow Mountains in the style of Sichuan Opera.

They expressed their deep respect for Chinese culture. And they came to love the unique traditions of China.

Christine Chen said, "I think I definitely would like to see Sichuan Opera on stage. Because I didn't know that there are actually different types of opera but it's only Beijing opera. It turns out different places in China also have their own opera culture."

"You have to be very skilled in this and have patience. And that's why I find it respectable. I find it a very nice part of Chinese culture", said Stefan.

Li Jinzhi who is a member of Xiqu Fun & Learning from Shanghai Theatre Academy said, "I taught them Sichuan Opera. They could understand me. I think that because our traditional culture has its charm. They were attracted by Chinese culture."



Christine Chen介绍道:“我来自印尼。我今天学了四川的戏曲,还学会了一些川剧折扇功法,如何用折扇表演请别人坐下的动作。我觉得今天很愉快。”



Christine Chen说:“我很想在舞台上看川剧。我不知道实际上有这么多不同种类的戏曲剧种。以前我只了解京剧。原来在中国,不同的地方也有自己的戏曲文化。”





Reported by LiJie
Edited by YueShunshun
Reviewed by Fangjialu,Linxinyi,Xuleibing