Faraday Future与首届美加 “翰林盃”高尔夫精英赛达成共创合作

北京时间2024年9月30日—— 总部位于美国加州的全球共享智能电动出行生态公司Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc.(纳斯达克:FFIE)("Faraday Future "、"FF"或 "公司")今天宣布,与首届美加“翰林盃”高尔夫精英赛达成共创合作,双方未来将在多领域探索合作机会,以推动Faraday Future和Faraday X(简称FX)的品牌影响力提升。


当地时间9月30日,首届美加“翰林盃”高尔夫精英赛在美国加州橙县约巴林达市正式开杆,为时两天的赛事分别在Yorba Linda Country Club和Black Gold Golf Club举行,并将在10月1日举行颁奖仪式。本届赛事由中国“翰林盃”高尔夫精英赛组委会主办,吉林大学全球校友高球联盟以及南加州中华高校校友会联盟承办,美国快乐乡村高尔夫球会、南加州华人高尔夫球会、美国吉友会高尔夫俱乐部、美国天使缘高尔夫球会、吉林大学洛杉矶校友会协办,来自美国、加拿大和中国的近140位企业家、投资人、名人明星等国内高校校友精英参与本届高尔夫精英赛事的争夺。



“非常荣幸能够跟在美国华人社区拥有巨大影响力的业务高尔夫赛事达成共创合作,期待双方能在多领域继续探讨深度合作的机会。”Faraday Future全球CEO Matthias Aydt表示。


Faraday Future Announces Co-Creation with the First US-Canada Hanlin Cup Golf Classic

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Los Angeles, CA (Sept. 29, 2024) —Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (Nasdaq: FFIE) (“FF”, “Faraday Future”, or “Company”), a California-based global shared intelligent electric mobility ecosystem company, today announced the Co-Creation cooperation with the First US-Canada Hanlin Cup Golf Classic. The two parties may explore more collaborative opportunities to enhance the brand influence of FF and the Faraday X (FX) brand.

The First US-Canada Hanlin Cup Golf Classic kicks-off on September 30 in Yorba Linda, California, the two-day event will be held at Yorba Linda Country Club and Black Gold Golf Club, with an awards ceremony held on October 1. This event is organized by the Chinese "Hanlin Cup" Golf Classic Committee and hosted by the Global Alumni Golf Alliance of Jilin University and the Southern California Chinese University Alumni Association. It is co-organized by several amateur golf clubs, including the Happy Valley Golf Club, Southern California Chinese Golf Club, Jilin Friends Golf Club, Angel Golf Club, and the Jilin University Los Angeles Alumni Association. Nearly 140 entrepreneurs, investors, and celebrities from the U.S., Canada, and China are scheduled to participate in this elite golf event.

The "Hanlin Cup" Golf Classic is a prestigious amateur golf event in China, having successfully hosted 15 tournaments since 2010. It aims to build a platform for elite alumni from various universities to connect, communicate, and share, promoting a spirit of knowledge, friendship, and service while advancing the healthy development of golf in Chinese universities.

In 2024, nearly 100 universities are planned to participate, with the organizing committee planning over 80 events and more than 6,000 alumni expected to compete, reaching hundreds of thousands of alumni circles and potentially setting new records for team and player participation. This well-known amateur golf tournament is officially entering the North American market. The first tournament will be held in Los Angeles, and the second tournament will be held in Vancouver, Canada.

"We are honored to have the Co-Creation cooperation with a prestigious business golf event that has significant influence in the Chinese American community,” said Matthias Aydt, Global CEO of Faraday Future. “We look forward to exploring deeper cooperation opportunities in various fields with this organization."


Faraday Future is the pioneer of the Ultimate AI TechLuxury ultra spire market in the intelligent EV era, and the disruptor of the traditional ultra-luxury car civilization epitomized by Ferrari and Maybach. FF is not just an EV Company, but also a software-driven intelligent internet Company. Ultimately FF aims to become a User Company by offering a shared intelligent mobility ecosystem. FF remains dedicated to advancing electric vehicle technology to meet the evolving needs and preferences of users worldwide, driven by a pursuit of intelligent and AI-driven mobility.



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