Designing and Renovating the Garbage Shed丨将法国元素融入垃圾厢房

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French designer Matthieu is designing and renovating garbage shed for Gumei Community. "I moved in Shanghai for the designer mission. I'm managing a French design company including graphic product design and architecture. We have the chance to work on this project. "

"With guiding signs we can know in advance where to throw dry waste and wet waste. "

"The challenge is to answer how to combine the people's needs of the community (with) making more aesthetic value to the community place. We bring something more aesthetic more pleasant for the people. So we want to bring fashion element. "

"We do some micro-updates of the community every year. Residents can fully discuss together. It reflects the principle that cities should be built by people. Particularly, he integrats the French romatic feelings as well as color combinations style into the garbage classification and garbage shed construction. It's extremely creative. "

"Because 2024 is a very special year, dedicated to the friendship between China and France and to be inspired to include in this design project the value of Sino-French friendship and relationship. "

"We should give full play to the spirit of the Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese of Minhang District, cooperating more with our overseas Chinese nationals including international friends. Let them participate in community construction together."

"Also I appreciate this kind of community of values(which) bring people together, bring happiness and bring better life for people. We try to push that in our design. How the people are engaged in their community. This is something extremely important and very unique. In China and in Shanghai, people are engaged for their community for their work for their lifeplace, etc. This is my memorable point."










Reported by LieJie
Edited by YueShunshun
Reviewed by YueShunhun, Yao Yiying, Liu Kenbo