

穿上绣工精湛、款式典雅的汉服,他们化身英姿飒爽的锦衣卫、楚楚动人的名门闺秀、温文尔雅的翩翩公子,在岭南园林的古风美景中款款走开,定睛一看,这么亮眼的他们,竟有着一张张洋面孔。“穿上汉服,我感觉自己变成了一个小公主”,来自美国的小姑娘Ariana Wehbe说道。


此次”‘穿过繁华都市,感受文化奥秘之探寻岭南文化瑰宝’广州市文化馆深度体验之旅”由猎德街道团工委、广粤国际社区居委会联合猎德街社工服务站共同举办。“活动很精彩,组织很周到,是一段很奇妙的经历。”来自印度的暨南大学留学生Devanand Manu (吴爱文)表示,下次他想去了解粤剧,希望社区继续组织类似的中华文化体验活动。

Chinese culture is fantastic!

Amazing! Wonderful experience!

Here are just some of the reactions of foreign friends as they toured the Guangzhou Cultural & Arts Center in the city’s Haizhu District.

On October 12, 24 expats from over 10 countries like Canada, the US, Belarus and India participated in an event organized by the Residential Committee of Guangyue International Neighborhood of Liede Street, Tianhe District to explore Guangzhou Cultural & Arts Center and experience Chinese culture.

Dressed in Hanfu (traditional Chinese costume), they turned into elegant ladies or handsome gentlemen from the past, posing for photos in the backdrop of the picturesque garden scenery. They explored Guangzhou's profound intangible culture heritage in an themed exhibition of the public culture center and had an immersive experience of tea making and tasting in a calm and peaceful vibe.

Let's follow them to share the excitement of cultural experience at the citys garden-style landmark.  

源:市政府外办  广粤国际社区