



记者采访了全球航运商业网络(GSBN)的行政总裁陈斯嘉。他告诉记者, GSBN正在推进提单数字化,如果完全实现的话,每年可能节省超过四十四万吨的碳排放。而且电子提单除了减少纸张的使用,还能为全球贸易参与者释放新的经济价值。不过,这个过程中也会遇到很多困难。

The shipping industry has been driving digitisation, what is the latest progress? What are the difficulties? Yicai had an interview with Mr. Bertrand Chen, CEO of Global Shipping Business Network(GSBN). He told the journalist that GSBN has been advocating the adoption of electronic Bill of Lading(eBL). If fully realised, this could potentially save more than 440,000 tons of carbon emissions annually. In addition to reducing the use of paper, the adoption of eBLs helps unlock new economic value for global trade participants. However, the undertaking is laden with a multitude of challenges.


Watch the video to learn more about the latest updates from GSBN, the neutral, not-for-profit consortium enabling paperless, accessible, and sustainable global trade.
