



想通过饮食加速脂肪燃烧?不妨试试辣椒。辣椒素(反式-8-甲基-N-香草基-6-壬烯酰胺),这种赋予辣椒辣味的化合物,能防止高脂饮食小鼠的体重增加。这一发现来自生物物理学会(Biophysical Society)第 59 届年会。

肥胖源于能量失衡:摄入的卡路里多于消耗的卡路里。因此,传统观点认为,要改变这种状况,你可以少吃一点,或者增加运动量。但或许, 还有第三种选择。

实验中,研究人员给小鼠喂食了高脂肪饮食,其中一些小鼠还额外摄入了少量辣椒素。25 周后,相比仅摄入高脂食物的小鼠,饮食中添加了辣椒素的小鼠体重增长要更少,尽管它们的进食量和饮水量相同。接受了“辛辣疗法”的小鼠

Hot Chili Peppers Motivate Mice to Burn Fat

Looking for a diet that will help you burn fat? Consider the chili. Because capsaicin, the chemical compound that gives chili peppers their kick, appears to prevents weight gain in mice that are fed a high-fat diet. The finding was presented at the Biophysical Society’s annual meeting in Baltimore. [Vivek Krishnan, Kevin Fettel and Baskaran Thyagarajan, Dietary capsaicin and exercise: analysis of a two-pronged approach to counteract obesity]

Obesity is caused by an energy imbalance: more calories go in than go out. So, conventional wisdom has it, to tip the scales the other way, you could eat less. Or move more. But maybe there’s a third option.

Researchers treated mice to a diet high in fats. But some rats also got a pinch of capsaicin. After 25 weeks, the mice with added spice gained less weight than those on fat alone, even though they ate and drank the same amount. Seems the mice that got the caliente treatment were more likely to...[full transcript]


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