高盛交易台:大选不重要,关键在尾部风险释放,英伟达再创新高,重新加仓大型科技?Estimating Asset Impacts



The recent selloff in bonds, which is garnering more attention in recent sessions, is getting chalked up to a combination of a higher likelihood of Trump getting elected/Republican sweep, better US economic data recently, China stimulus the past few weeks, and recent Fed commentary that has suggested rates should be lowered gradually. 


With only weeks to go until the US election, prediction markets show a lean toward former President Trump over Vice President Harris and a Republican sweep and a divided government under Harris as the most likely election outcomes.

多米尼克·威尔逊(Dominic Wilson)和维琪·张(Vickie Chang)评估了不同美国大选结果对资产市场的潜在影响,发现中性情况下的影响相对温和。他们通过两种方式衡量大选对宏观资产的潜在影响

Dominic Wilson and Vickie Chang assess the potential asset market impacts of different US election outcomes, finding only modest impacts in the central case. They looked at two different ways of benchmarking the potential impact of the election on macro assets. 


The first approach—“fundamental-based”—translates macro and policy scenarios into potential market impacts. The second approach—“event-based”—observes the actual market reactions to well-defined events over which the probabilities of the different election outcomes shifted.


Using these two approaches, we estimate that the predicted asset market moves in our central scenarios are modest compared to the moves of the 2016 and 2020 elections.


We think the potential for larger moves lies mostly in the tails of the distribution with respect to trade and fiscal policy and tax/regulation shifts. The removal of these tail risks may also unlock more upside in some assets than we assume.


NVIDIA Continues to Make All Time Highs.


Stock is quietly +9.2% over the past 4 days on no significant news outside of TSMC positive earnings really and ASML commentary that demand for AI segments continues strong. 


Despite most big tech earnings being next week, NVDA only reports on 21Nov24… so still a month away. Staggering to see how the stock was below $5 just 5 years ago and is now $144 (breaking all time highs).


As I mentioned yesterday, Mega Tech stock positioning is a lot cleaner (at least among Hedge Funds). 



Info Tech now makes up 16.1% of Overall US Net Exposure, which compares to a 1-year low of 14.3% a month ago and ranks in the 7th percentile vs both the past year and past five years. This should allow the group to continue to rally. 

彼得·卡拉汉(Peter Callahan)认为,目前很难找到让投资者“非常看好”的财报,Meta(高预期收入 + 2025年资本支出/费用),亚马逊(AMZN,第四季度运营收入指引),谷歌(YouTube增速放缓 + 监管风险),微软(MSFT,缺乏Azure的透明度,加上近期EPS修正有限),苹果(AAPL,第四季度指引不确定性)。

Peter Callahan argues it is hard to find a print that investors feel ‘great’ about leaning into right now - META (elevated topline expects + ’25 capex/expenses), AMZN (4Q OI guide), GOOG (YT decel + regulation), MSFT (lack of Azure visibility on top of limited EPS revisions as of late), AAPL (C4Q guide unknowns).



Lastly, yesterday was the best day for Megacap vs “Everything Else” Since Early Sept.

