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(a) 政府从Singlife公司发布的《2024年新加坡财务自由度指数》调查结果中得到哪些主要启示?

(b) 在确保财务自由和稳定方面,特别是在新加坡年轻一代中,有哪些主要关切问题?

(c) 社会和商业组织可采取哪些措施,加强对新加坡人财务稳定方面的公众教育?


全国财务能力调查(NFCS)还强调帮助个人做出正确的财务决策和妥善理财的重要性。为此,国家财务教育计划MoneySense)与行业伙伴合作,在新加坡人中宣传积极的理财行为和态度。此外,MoneySense 的合作伙伴理财通识学院(Institute for Financial Literacy)在工作场所和公众中提供有关财务规划主题的免费讲座和研讨会。

我们正在积极帮助新加坡人开始他们的财务规划之旅。去年,新加坡金管局 (MAS)、中央公积金局Central Provident Fund Board和 MoneySense 与金融行业协会共同制定了一份《基本理财规划指南》(Basic Financial Planning Guide)。该指南列出了应急储蓄、保险保障、投资和退休规划的经验法则。这些都是根据新加坡人从开始工作到退休的六个关键人生阶段量身定制的。我们已通过数字和实体渠道在新加坡全国范围内分发了这本指南。新加坡金管局还鼓励金融机构及其代表在带领客户进行理财规划时使用本指南。

2021年全国财务能力调查(NFCS)发现,与老年人相比,年轻人的金融知识水平普遍较高。MoneySense 优先考虑青少年,鼓励他们为养成健康的理财习惯打下良好的基础。我们通过从小学到高等教育的学校课程教授金融知识概念。MoneySense 还为青少年举办理财讲座和工作坊,以补充他们在学校学到的知识。



 Mr Neil Parekh Nimil Rajnikant asked the Prime Minister and Minister for Finance (a) what are some of the key takeaways for the Government from the results of Singlife's Financial Freedom Index 2024 survey; (b) what are some of the key concerns in the area of ensuring financial freedom and stability especially amongst the younger generation of Singaporeans; and (c) what steps can the community and business organisations take to enhance public education on financial stability for Singaporeans.

Mr Gan Kim Yong (for the Prime Minister): There are various surveys conducted by private sector organisations. MoneySense, our national financial education programme, conducted the 2021 National Financial Capability Survey (NFCS), which has a comprehensive scope covering financial knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. The survey found that Singaporeans have done better in adopting good basic financial habits, such as budgeting and maintaining emergency savings, compared to the previous survey in 2017.  

NFCS also highlights the importance of helping individuals make sound financial decisions and manage their money well. To this end, MoneySense has partnered industry partners to promote positive financial behaviour and attitudes among Singaporeans. In addition, MoneySense's partner, the Institute for Financial Literacy, provides free talks and workshops on financial planning topics at workplaces and to the public.

We are actively helping Singaporeans start their financial planning journey. Last year, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the Central Provident Fund Board and MoneySense, together with financial industry associations, jointly developed a Basic Financial Planning Guide. The Guide sets out rules of thumb for emergency savings, insurance protection, investing and retirement planning. These are customised to follow a Singaporean's six key life stages, from when he starts work to when he retires. We have disseminated this Guide across Singapore through digital and physical channels. MAS also encourages financial institutions and their representatives to use the Guide when they take their clients through their financial planning journeys. 

The 2021 NFCS found that youths generally had higher levels of financial literacy compared to their elders. MoneySense has prioritised youths to encourage healthy financial habits and set good foundations. We teach financial literacy concepts through our school curriculum from primary through the tertiary levels. MoneySense also organises financial talks and workshops for youths to supplement what they have learnt in school.






